What's Happening in the Middle School

Year 3
What’s Happening in Year 3 in Weeks 7 and 8
We are incredibly proud of the Year 3 students for their fantastic start to the year and their efforts in preparing for the upcoming NAPLAN assessments. As NAPLAN begins this week, we want to remind all students that their hard work and dedication are what truly matters. We encourage them to do their best and, most importantly, be proud of themselves.
- We will be continuing to look at our Zones of Regulation and positive coping strategies.
- In line with our Health unit, we are also exploring respectful relationships with our peers and how we can work as a team.
- We will be continuing with our novel study on Matilda.
- Our focus will now be around developing our sentence level work.
- In UFLI we will be continuing to look at the silent final ‘e’ and then looking at reading longer words with suffixes such as ‘es’ and ‘ed’.
- We will be looking at Multiplication and Division.
- We will be learning and practising different methods we can use to solve multiplication and division problems.
Knowledge Unit
- We will continue to explore diversity and share about our own cultures and differences.
- We will then begin to look at stereotypes and share our own thoughts to recognise stereotypes we might hold.
- The children have received their new Mathletics logins in their diaries. We will be setting tasks weekly following the topics we are learning about in Maths. Please note, these are not compulsory, however, we would love students to complete these as it reinforces our learning in the classroom. If students are not completing the tasks assigned, no new ones will be set.
- There will be an Easter Raffle on Friday 4th April, please send in any donations.
- There will be a team building incursion for the Year 3 students on Tuesday 1st April.
- With NAPLAN beginning, please ensure children are at school on time at 9am to ensure we have sufficient time to get the children ready for the assessments.
NAPLAN dates:
Writing - Wednesday 12th March at 9:30am
Reading - Thursday 13th March at 9:30am
Conventions of Language - Monday 17th March at 9:30am
Numeracy - Tuesday 18th March at 9:30 am
Discussion points at home
What are the main parts of a narrative/story?
What are some persuasive devices we can use in our writing?
Time check? Ask your child to read the clock.
Can you estimate how long it will take you to clean your room? Then ask them to time themselves and see how close they were!
Year 4
What’s Happening in Year 4 in Weeks 7 & 8
The Year 4 students have completed their intensive swimming program for 2025. A special thank you to all the parents who assisted and attended this program. These important programs could not be run without your support.
The students are looking forward to attending Arrabri Lodge Camp this coming Wednesday. This two-night camp will provide students with an opportunity to participate in activities they might not otherwise get a chance to experience. Activities include damper making, a giant swing as well as a large flying fox, and archery.
Students will continue to listen to a podcast called ‘Grow Your Mind’ during class sessions. Developing friendships and supporting each other will also be a large focus during camp.
During Literacy sessions, students will be using the text ‘Why I love Australia’ to discover strategies they can implement to improve their personal writing. They will also be revising comprehension strategies throughout these sessions.
Maths sessions will be re-focusing on using addition and subtraction vertically. Students will continue to use a variety of strategies to use when completing these equations. Worded problems will also be included throughout the week.
Knowledge Unit
Our Knowledge Unit in Term 1 will be a study in Health. Over the coming weeks, classes will be discussing developing a positive mindset when tackling new experiences. We will also be discussing how different emotions impact our behaviours, both positively and negatively.
The Year 4 students are expected to read every night and record their progress in their personal diaries. It is the responsibility of the student to bring their diary to school every day and take it home each night to log their reading. Classroom teachers will be checking and signing these diaries regularly to monitor student reading habits. The student diary will also be used to highlight important dates and reminders.
Important Year 4 Dates:
Year 4 Camp: Wednesday 12th March to Friday 14th March
School Photos Day: Monday 31st March
Bee Incursion: Friday 4th April
Easter Assembly: Friday 4th April
Last Day of Term 1: Friday 4th April