Principal’s News

Nicholas Boyhan

Dear Parents and Carers,


Here we are, already mid-way through Term One.  It is great to see how well the children have settled in this year, especially our Foundation Students.  They have finished their initial pre-assessments and have performed very well.  Last week our Three/Fours enjoyed time together with their teachers at Urban Camp, near the Zoo. They had rich learning experiences exploring the State Library and the Sorts Museum at the MCG.  They also enjoyed Ten Pin Bowling and a game of Lazer Tag. Today the Year Sixes and a few of the Year Fives attended a Paddle Victoria Kayaking day at Lillydale Lake.  I was lucky enough to tag along with SImone Traynor and the kids to capture the experience with the photos below.

Resilience before Adversity

On Tuesday, the St Joseph's Staff gathered at St Brigid's Healsville, with our Rural Community of Practice Schools (Sacred Heart Yea, St Brigid's Healesville, St Mary's Alexandra and St Mary's Mansfield) for a Professional learning day.  This was facilitated by


 Ms Maria Roberto (MIAAN, MAAP), a Consultant Psychologist and Neuropsychotherapist.  The focus of the day was on enhancing the resilience of ourselves and the children in our care. It was an engaging, dynamic, interactive, and spirited session, anchored by research in neuroscience and brain function and framed by the science of wellbeing.


Staff completed a survey called the Predictive Six Factor Resilience Model (PR6).  This survey gave the staff feedback on their resilience within the following six domains:

  • Vision
  • Composure
  • Reasoning
  • Health
  • Tenacity
  • Collaboration

We were also provided with data on the resilience levels of Australian Children and how this has been and continues to be effected by the recent pandemic, wars and political instability around the world. We were provided with a range of resources which we can use to support our students to build their resilience.  They will be used within our Social Emotional Education Program (Positive Behaviours, Respectful Relationships, Friendship Groups, etc).


We will be engaging with Maria regularly throughout 2025 at Staff Meetings after school in Terms 2, 3 and 4.  We are also offering parents three opportunities to attend parent workshops with Maria, both here at St Joseph's and at St Brigid's Healesville.  This is an extrordinary opportunity for parents to hear from a world class presenter on steps they can take to support their children's developing resilience.  Once confirmed, these dates will be shared with you via the Newsletter and in the school calendar.


To get a preview of what she has to offer, click the link below to view an interview she did with "The Imperfects."


Bushfire Information

School procedures for Catastrophic fire danger days


St Joseph’s is a BARR (Bushfire-at-risk register) school. Procedures are in place for when there is a declared Extreme or Catastrophic fire danger day.


Our school will close on any declared Catastrophic fire danger days.


The Bureau of Meteorology declares a Catastrophic fire danger day. The timing of this forecast confirmation may vary, but we will provide as much notice as possible and share further information via email, our St Joseph's Facebook Page and via our new N-Forma App. 


St Joseph’s may also close on non-Catastrophic, elevated fire danger days. If the Bureau of Meteorology has declared an Extreme fire danger rating and if the Fire Behaviour Index for the Central weather district is 75 or greater, our school will close. 


If the Fire Behaviour Index for the Central weather district is 50-74, we will consult with the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) Emergency Management team to determine if closure is necessary due to the presence of a fire or other hazards nearby. 


Once a Catastrophic day has been declared, the rating will not change, regardless of improvements in the weather forecast. This is to avoid confusion and help your family plan alternative care arrangements for your child. It is important to note that: 

  • No staff will be on site on days where the school is closed due to fire danger. 
  • School camps will be cancelled if a Catastrophic fire danger day is determined for the weather district in which the camp is located. (Camps in some bushland areas may also be cancelled in the event of an Extreme fire danger day, but this will be determined on a case-by-case basis.)
  • As a school who uses the UYSC bus, all bus routes will be cancelled.

On Catastrophic days, families are encouraged to enact their bushfire plan. On such days, children should never be left at home alone or in the care of older children. For those in bushfire-prone areas, fire services advise that the safest option is to leave the night before or early on the morning of Catastrophic days. 


As part of preparing our school for potential hazards such as fire, the school has a robust Emergency Management Plan and ensures that school grounds and facilities are well prepared for bushfire. 


What can you do?

  • Download the VicEmergency app to stay informed about emergencies and warnings in your area.
  • Make sure your family’s bushfire survival plan is up to date and includes alternative care arrangements if our school is closed.
  •  Ensure we have your current contact details, including your mobile phone numbers.
  • Keep in touch with us by reading our newsletters, checking your emails and N-Forma notifications and our Facebook Page.  Talk to myself or our Deputy Principal, Katie Vranken or any other member of the teaching staff about our Emergency Management Plan. 
  • If your child is old enough, talk to them about bushfires and other emergencies, and your family’sbushfire survival plan.
  • On Total Fire Ban days, student attendance is required to be collected in case of an emergency.  If your child is expected to be away on that day, as always please inform the office on 5967 1183.
  • Further information about bushfire preparedness can be found at

Changes to the Lunch Order Menu

Our new Lunch Orders have been extremely popular with our students.  The Lunch Order Baskets have been overflowing.  


Having time to have a proper look at the lunch order menu and having seen what children are ordering, I have noticed that there are a number of items with little nutritional value, including many high in sugar and fat.   The inclusion of fruit drinks and Oak Milk drinks on the tuckshop list is of particular concern. These have been removed and I have posted the Tuckshop List again on the lunch order page with these drinks removed.  Our policy is that only water is consumed by the children here at school.  Please note that these are no longer available.


I will be consulting with staff and parents, via our School Advisory Council to hear their thoughts on what's included on the tuckshop order list.  Further changes will be made if deemed necessary.


Please click here to view the Lunch Order Page


Best wishes for a relaxing weekend and a great week ahead.