Student of the Week
Student of the Week
Student of the Week
Student of the Week
Weeks One and Two
Class | Student | Reason |
Foundation | Isla Mannix | For making an amazing transition to St Joe's! Isla has been so resilient when coming to school and it has been amazing seeing how much your confidence has grown! |
1/2S | Charlee De Boer
| For being a superb role model for respect, responsibility and resilience. You have shown all these qualities every day you turn up to school. Simply amazing. |
3UF | Finley Plunkett | Congratulations Finn for an awesome first day of Year 3! You jumped in with excitement, a big smile, and a positive attitude, making your first day a wonderful success. You were brave, friendly, and ready to try new things. We can’t wait to see all the great things you’ll do this year! |
4/5B | Parker Hobbs | For his focused start to the new school year. Parker is demonstrating positive learning behaviours, showing respect, responsibility and resilience in both the classroom and playground. Keep it up, Parker! |
6T | Liam Porter | For sharing his extensive knowledge and guiding us through the train system and platforms on our Senior Excursion to Parliament House and Treasury House. Great leadership, Liam! |
PE | Noah Lord | For his continued effort to develop skills in all games and sports we play. He participates with enthusiasm and is quick to develop strategies to maximise his performance, achieving personal and team success. Looking forward to seeing you leading Red this year! |
PBL | Amelia Henskens | For being a very kind, nurturing and supportive leader to her buddy during Friendship Groups and Huff and Puff. |
Week Three
Class | Student | Reason |
Foundation | Laurie Lansdell | For being so amazing in the classroom! Laurie has been putting up his hand to answer questions and following instructions straight away! Laurie you are a super star! |
1/2S | Oscar Mcdonald Halsall
| For stepping up and showing everyone what a great leader you are. I am impressed with all your efforts towards your work already, you are settled and really showing you want to try your best. Excellent start Oscar! |
3 | Jordan Fitzpatrick | For being a kind and caring friend to his classmates. Jordan was compassionate and thoughtful this week when a friend was having a hard time and needed some extra care. You are a wonderful example of how small acts of kindness can make a big difference.
We are so proud of you, Jordan, and we’re lucky to have you in our class! Keep spreading your kindness and making the world a better place. |
4/5B | Noah Vandersluis | For his enthusiastic participation on our Parliament excursion. Noah was a great Serjeant-at-arms in the Parliament role-play and also contributed an argument towards the E-Scooter Bill debate. Great job, Noah! |
6T | Dylan McDowell | For being a respectful young man on our Senior Excursion. He showed great consideration for members of the public by opening doors, making space, actively listening and responding to questions from our guides and responsibly caring for our First Aid bag. What an excellent role model you were, Dylan! |
PE | Eddie Brennan | For the enthusiasm he brings to all sporting activities. His skill base of catching, throwing and avoiding tacklers continues to improve, enabling him to be more involved in games! |
PBL | Lexie Boff | For being an very responsible student by packing up the sandpit toys after playtime! Well done Lexie! |
Week Four
Class | Student | Reason |
Foundation | Zander Bilton | For being a very responsible student. It has been wonderful to see Zander using equipment safely and always helping to put back things where they came from! Thankyou for being such an amazing helper Zander! |
1/2S | Gabriella Sneddon | For showing excellent listening skills at all times. You are an excellent role model for how to behave and learn in the classroom. |
3 | Taylor Pye | For demonstrating outstanding resilience, determination and a positive attitude during camp. Your ability to stay strong and face challenges with a smile has been an inspiration to everyone. Keep shining brightly, Taylor! We are so proud of you! |
4/5B | Henry Price | For his enthusiasm towards all camp activities and his exceptional behaviour throughout the experience. Well done, Henry! |
6T | Darcy Hill | You have really stepped up your independent learning habits this week by listening carefully to instructions and actively participating in all lessons. Keep up these excellent learning behaviours. |
PE | Mackenzie Grayling | For her organisation of the green team during huff n’ puff and for diligently setting up equipment so her game is ready. Also for the way she encourages everyone to join in games and play by the rules. And finally the instruction and leadership she has towards younger students, demonstrating skills and assisting them in participation. Excellent work Mackenzie! |
Week Five
Class | Student | Reason |
Foundation | Jackson Stuart | For posting the most amazing Seesaw entries of his work! Jackson takes his time and explains what he has learnt and the things he needed to do! Well done Jackson, we love hearing you share your learning! |
1/2S | Jeremy Watson | For your improving listening and effort towards all your work. You are showing all your skills and cleverness when you participate so well Jeremy, well done! |
3 | Ivy Bradley | For displaying perseverance and putting in 100% effort with your classwork. This week, Ivy has been committed to tackling new challenging mathematical skills. Your resilience and determination towards learning is truly inspiring to all your classmates! Well done Ivy! |
4/5B | Will de Boer | For taking on extra roles in our class assembly and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to improve your public speaking skills. Your improved confidence speaking to an audience is due to your efforts and determination and you should be very proud of what you are achieving! |
6T | Izzy Tran | For being our homework superstar! Izzy has set a great example of responsibility by managing her time effectively to complete her home reading and maths facts practice. Your dedication is truly paying off, Izzy—well done! |
PE | Amelia Henskens | For her outstanding performance in the swimming sports, showing bravery to be the only St Joseph’s student participating and courage to go in so many events. We are all very proud of your effort. Congratulations Amelia. |
The Week Four and Five Certificates will be presented at our next assembly on Friday 14 March, which will be presented by our Foundations and One/Twos.