Class News
During Term Two, 17 students from across Grades 4, 5 and 6 participated in the Australian Math Challenge. The challenge was held over a period of four weeks, with students completing a total of 16 questions. Students could work in pairs or groups of three to solve problems but ultimately had to submit their own answers. We are very proud to announce that 6 students received a distinction award, 7 received a credit award and 4 received a proficiency award. It was a great opportunity for some of our high flying maths students and they should be congratulated on their efforts.
This term we are introducing some exciting Maths challenges for all to get involved in. Maths is such a fun and interesting subject that has many different elements for everyone to enjoy. It’s not just about numbers and many people have fantastic ways of thinking about Maths in such broad ways.
So to keep things interesting and create some fun family activities, we are going to be posing some Maths challenges in the newsletter each month. These will be for you to enjoy at home, then students will have the opportunity to share their discoveries at school.
Specific instructions will be provided on each activity. Some activities may have prizes, others will be purely for family or class bragging rights!