Deputy Principal: Authentic Learning Audiences

Open-Learning Sessions: Authentic Learning Audiences

Next Friday, 9th September, we are thrilled to once again host our open-learning session for parents and the community. Over the past few years, this event has been a fantastic opportunity for our students to showcase their growth in learning and goal-setting, share the work they've produced throughout the year, and offer a glimpse into the daily learning that takes place in our classrooms.


This year, we are excited to introduce a new element to our open-learning session. Our students will also be presenting the projects from their Topic unit of work from Term Three. These term-long learning culminations will allow our students to share their expertise with an authentic audience, providing them with an invaluable opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned. Moving the open-learning session to later in Term Three has enabled this new feature, adding even more value to the event.


Providing an authentic audience for student learning, offers numerous benefits. Research indicates that it can significantly boost student motivation and engagement. It also fosters real-world skills, as working on projects for genuine audiences hones abilities like communication, collaboration, and problem-solving. Additionally, students receive more meaningful feedback and collaboration opportunities, helping them gain a better understanding of how their work is perceived by others. This, in turn, helps them improve their work and develop a stronger sense of self-efficacy. Moreover, an authentic audience fosters greater connections and community building.


One exciting example of this in action will be our Years Five and Six classes with their 'Shark Tank' presentations on open-learning day. Throughout the term, our senior students have been studying Business and Economics as part of their Topic units. They've been tasked with creating a product, writing a business proposal, collecting community feedback, conducting feasibility studies, and much more. On Friday, they will pitch their ideas to a selection of local business owners, entrepreneurs, and industry experts, who will provide real feedback on their proposals, products, and ideas.


A special thanks goes to Elaine Shanahan, our senior leader, for her tremendous work this term in preparing our senior students for this rich learning experience. Be sure to check out the 'Senior School News' section of the newsletter for more details on the amazing work our students have been doing.

Our Junior and Middle School students will also be showcasing their Term Three Topic projects. In Years Prep to Four, students have been exploring History, with our Junior School focusing on personal histories, while the Middle School students have delved into the theme of 'first contact' and the arrival of the First Fleet. Meg Wilkinson and Lisa Mclean, our leaders in these areas, have played a key role in ensuring that our classes have engaging Topic expos to present alongside their learning and goal-setting achievements.


Please mark your calendars for our open-learning exhibition. It promises to be our best one yet and a wonderful opportunity for our students and teachers to showcase the incredible learning happening at our school. We are confident that this event will be an enriching experience for all involved, and we look forward to sharing it with you.


Tom Hartney

Deputy Principal 

Teaching and Learning Leader