Allergy Management

Student Allergies - Nuts and Sesame!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This letter is to inform you that we have several students within the school community who have life-threatening food allergies to nuts. The food allergies are severe, and exposure in any form (skin contact or ingestion) to these substances could result in anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal condition that requires immediate medical attention. For the safety of the students, we are asking families to support our school in managing the following restrictions in our classrooms. We are asking parents/guardians to be conscientious in the selection of snacks that your child brings to class to limit the chances of students with allergies being exposed to nuts.
Potential allergens could include the following:
• Spreads, e.g. chocolate spread, peanut butter
• Cereal bars
• Some types of biscuit containing nuts
• Condiments, e.g. satay sauce
• Cakes containing nuts
• Some snack pots containing nuts
It is important that you check the labelling of food products before sending your child to school with them – it is not always apparent that products contain nuts. We also ask that, if your child consumes any nut-based product before school, they wash their hands thoroughly and rinse their mouth before entering the school grounds. We understand that these measures may seem extreme; however, we want to ensure the health and safety of all our students. Thank you in advance for making the class environment a safe and healthy place for the students. By working together, we can make a difference for our children.