Learning & Teaching - Book Week

Book Week ~ Reading is Magic!
Book Week begins next week, and we will hold two events to celebrate this special occasion;
- Book Fair (Monday 19th - Thursday 22nd August)
- Book Week Dress Up & Parade Day (Monday 26th August)
Keep on reading to find out more details...
STM Scholastic Book Fair
Today, each student should have received a flyer previewing some books at our book fair. On Monday, each class will visit the fair, so students can browse and complete a wish list that they will bring home to share with parents and guardians.
There will be three payment options available throughout the fair: cash, EFTPOS, and online pre-payments (preferred method), which can be accessed using the QR code on the back of your child's flyer. All pre-paid purchases will require the form, including the receipt number, for collection.
The Book Fair will be open at the following times;
Monday 19th August 2:30 - 3:00 pm for parents and guardians to have a preview.
Tuesday 20th August 8:20 - 8:45 am
Tuesday 20th August lunchtime (students only)
Tuesday 20th August 3:00 - 3:30 pm
Thursday 22nd August 8:20 - 8:45 am
Families are welcome to attend the book fair during the times above. Just so you know, the lunchtime session on Tuesday and Thursday is for students only.
We have some staff away at conferences on Wednesday. If you think you might be able to donate some time and assist with the purchase and collection of books from the book fair on Wednesday (before or after school), please let me know asap at dgeorge@smbelgrave.catholic.edu.au
Dress Up & Parade Day - Monday 26th August
This year, we will hold our Dress Up Day and Parade on Monday, August 26th. Students can come dressed as their favourite book, character, author, or illustrator. The parade will start at 9:00 a.m., and the location will be decided closer to the day to accommodate the weather. Parents and carers are welcome to join in the festivities. Younger siblings and toddlers can also participate in the celebration and parade.
You may have noticed that we are having this day a little later this year, as our whole school swimming program will take place during Book Week. Costumes and water don't really mix, so we have decided to hold this after our swimming program has finished for a more enjoyable day. Plus... we can stretch out our Book Week celebrations!
Please let me know if you have any questions - dgeorge@smbelgrave.catholic.edu.au or pop into the office for a chat.
Wishing you a great week,
Deputy Principal
Learning & Teaching Leader