Assistant Principal's Message

Welcome to Term 4. It was lovely to see students return to school looking and feeling energised after the break. It's going to be a jam-packed term full of celebrations and activities. 

In this newsletter you will see a snippet of Term 3 which was also a very busy term as students engaged in course counselling sessions in readiness for 2025. Our Year 12 students attended their Study Camp earlier in the term. We will be celebrating their schooling journey in the coming days. Thank you to all parents who attended our information sessions. Thank you also to all staff and students who participated in events such as Book Week, Science Week, DLP excursions, Cabaret Night, and many more. I'd like to acknowledge our continued partnership with La Trobe University as we have mentored over 40 pre-service teachers this year. Whittlesea Tech School also continues to be an important partner in our students' learning journeys.

A highlight for Term 3 was the opportunity to share our Student Attitudes to School Survey results during our College Assembly. It was exciting to see such positive growth in all categories, in fact in many we have exceeded the state. 

Please save the date for our College Awards Ceremony - Friday 6th December 2.00pm, College Gym.


Kind regards,

Selen Atilla



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