Whittlesea Tech Discovery

Students from Year 7 and Year 8, who have consistently demonstrated excellence in Science and Maths, have been selected as student ambassadors at Whittlesea Tech School. This prestigious opportunity allows them to showcase their talents and engage in leadership within the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. In the accompanying photograph, the ambassadors are seen with our Principal, Mr. Cottrell, and the Science/Maths Domain Leader, Ms. Cheale. Together, they are working to extend their abilities and deepen their understanding of scientific concepts and mathematical principles. This initiative not only nurtures their skills but also fosters a passion for STEM-related disciplines, inspiring them to pursue future opportunities in these vital fields. We are proud of these outstanding students and their commitment to academic excellence.
Year 7 students visited Whittlesea Tech School. They used their critical thinking and innovation skills to consider how to prevent the extinction of bees.
Year 8 students visited Whittlesea Tech School. Here are some of the day's highlights where students focused on design and creating capabilities in innovation and scientific thinking.