LNSC Regional Music Festival

Lalor North Secondary College Regional Music Festival
This year’s Music Festival was a HUGE success, attracting approximately 1500 people through our doors and over 360 young students from TWELVE schools, along with their teachers, families and Principals.
A massive event like this doesn’t just happen.
It takes an enormous amount of pre-preparation and planning, and time to develop genuine relationships and connections with all the schools and their Performing Arts teachers and Principals. These relationships have grown in strength and in size since the first Big Night Out in 2008.
All the schools have come into the LNSC Recording Studio throughout the year to produce their individual CD's, and then in turn, they perform at our Music Festival.
Our Music Festival cannot come together so successfully without the hard work and commitment of all the talented LNSC Student Performers, the Student Helpers, the fantastic Staff Helpers who have assisted with SO MANY aspects, and of course the amazing Music Team.
This year we had many LNSC students, their families, and past students attend as audience members, which greatly contributed to the vibrant atmosphere – so lovely to see so many familiar faces from the past!
Last but not least, this event could not have happened without the support of Principal Timothy Cottrell and Assistant Principal Selen Atilla. Thank you everyone