Principal's message

Dear LNSC Community,
On behalf of all staff and school council members, a great big welcome to term four. I am looking forward to greeting our students as we all settle back to our school-based routines.
Hopefully there has been some recreation and rest as well as a chance to catch up with friends and family over the break.
Reflecting upon the year so far, there is a lot to be proud of as a learning community. I want to thank the many students who continue to support new students at the college, helping them to share in the feeling of belonging and care that we all seek and enjoy. I think this is a 'trademark' of Lalor North Secondary, and It makes such a positive difference for all of us when we reach out to others in this way. In a growing community it is important that every one of us remembers to assist others to experience the positive feelings about school that we want for ourselves.
While themselves having a chance for some rest and relaxation, staff at the college have also been preparing to make the most of this term. We should all be mindful that this is a time to focus upon our learning goals for the term, and to ease back into lessons with positive intent for the final term of '24 - while doing so, re-establishing strong learning relationships with your teachers. This will mean something a bit different for every year level, and for every student, yet we can all benefit from an optimistic, growth-mindset and inquiring approach that helps to understand how we can be our best. This is a fulfilling way to be for all of us.
Shortly your sub-school Directors will communicate reminders and updates about college processes, and it is very important that all students and families are clear on these. However, I want to - especially - remind all students about regular attendance at school. Unless we are sick, we need to be at school. Those that have a high level of attendance have the best social, emotional and learning outcomes. It is as simple as that - so 'it's not ok to be away'. If your attendance rate has been wanting - please make this a high priority goal for this term.
We are so fortunate to be part of such a great learning community. Students should reach out to staff with anything that might help the things mentioned above, and families please be in touch with the office if there is anything we can help with in the term ahead.
Best wishes to everyone for a meaningful and fulfilling term four.
Timothy Cottrell PRINCIPAL.
School Saving Bonus payment
Parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025 will receive the one-off School Saving Bonus payment of $400 in support of school needs.
The Education Department will send you communications for each of your children enrolled in Victorian government schools about the School Savings Bonus. Every child enrolled in a government school for 2025 will receive the one-off payment of $400 in support. This payment may be used to fund the purchase of uniform, books and other items for your student(s) attending school.
If you think the enrolment details for your student may not be up to date, please contact the office immediately.
The Education Department will send you your code for your school savings bonus of $400 for each of your children. These should be received by late November.
You can read more about the School Saving Bonus on the Department of Education website, with key information now available in 14 different languages.
New College Uniform Items for 2025
At Lalor North Secondary College, we believe that our college uniform is well-due to be updated for warmth, quality, and purpose. Our College has been working with its staff and students to design a high quality uniform that befits our growing school with it's many innovative programs. These programs work together to provide an excellent education for all of our students, engaging their interests. A high quality, warm and long-lasting uniform with specially designed garments, really strengthens our students' feelings of belonging, identity and comfort.
As our college keeps charges for all other materials to a bare minimum, and also provides extensive support for all school needs in the case of financial hardship, we urge families to use their Schools Saving Bonus code to purchase their new uniform packs which are soon to become available at Academy Uniforms in Thomastown.
The college will continue to support families with computers, curriculum and other materials. Other exciting new programs such as camps and curriculum-based outings will also be strongly supported financially where there is hardship.
Further details regarding our new college uniform will be provided to all families very shortly.
At Lalor North Secondary College, we believe that every child deserves a first-class education that is also very affordable for our families, and we know that our families agree.
School Saving Bonus information for children transitioning to school
Families of children currently attending Four-Year-Old Kindergarten to year 12 will receive the School Saving Bonus in 2025.
Who receives the School Saving Bonus
The School Saving Bonus is available for parents and carers of each Victorian government school student from Prep to Year 12 in 2025, except for full-fee international students, home-schooled students, and TAFE students. For more information follow the link below.
School Saving Bonus information for children transitioning to school | (