Connections Centre
Specialist Feature News: Indonesian
Selamat Siang,
An exciting few weeks! Lots of maths talk in Indonesian - numbers, financial literacy and observations about number patterns.
In the photos you can see Foundation learning and practicing haggling skills. They are using Indonesian Rupiah as their currency. 3/4s are practicing their numbers from 1-20 (and even a few working up to 100!).
In the Leadership Centre, 5/6 students have written and completed a scavenger hunt, writing directional clues for around school. Did you spot any of the Wayang Kulit around the school?
Community Connections
Come along to the Indonesian performance of Gamelan DanAnda with Yarra Irama and Sanggar Lestari this Sunday! 12:30-3:30 Thornbury Bowls Club.
$10 tickets for adults and free for children <6.
Terima Kasih,
The Specialist Team
Yana Gill, Marissa Mundy, Natalie Palmer, Hamish Burrill, Steph Muratovic and Beth Cardy
Pupil of the Week
Physical Education
Junior - Yueya X (FT)
For demonstrating a love of learning and always having a smile on her face when engaged in playing games with her friends.
Senior - Sean W (5/6N)
For demonstrating a love of learning, perseverance and incredible teamwork when participating in team activities.
Visual Arts
Junior - Henry S (1/2M)
For demonstrating creativity and a love of learning when creating your Turtle Collage artwork!
Senior - Logan H (3/4W)
For demonstrating perseverance and creativity when creating your chalk pastel Science Artwork!
Junior - Rory M (FE)
For challenging yourself to draw and label waterproof materials this week. Your work was detailed and you focused really well.
Senior - Durga KH (3/4RB)
For your outstanding curiosity and enthusiasm as we learn about insulators and conductors in heat physics.
Junior - Oskar R (FC)
For demonstrating outstanding haggling skills and getting some great bargains! You showed creativity, perseverance and a love of learning when trying to get the best deals for your purchases. Hebat!
Senior - Sahil J (3/4RM)
For showing a love of learning and consistently challenging yourself to count as high as possible in Indonesian. Bagus sekali Sahil!
Performing Arts
Junior - Maddy J (1/2M)
For demonstrating respect and responsibility with your learning and your ability to engage with enthusiasm in class activities and tasks.
Senior - Durga KH (3/4RM)
For your love for learning and integrity in your engagement with expectations and experiences, especially during dance.