First Steps Centre

Kinder Dates and Notifications:

Kinder/Year 4 Buddies

Budja - Wed 11th Sept

Marram & Gawarn - Thurs 12th Sept


Kinder Photos (More info to come)

12/9 Marram Kinder Photos 

13/9 Dharug Kinder Photos 

16/9 Budja Kinder Photos 

17/9 Gawarn Kinder Photos 


On Wednesday we joined in on the Great Book Swap, which was a fantastic opportunity to visit the school and meet some of the lovely Grade 4 students who helped us choose books and then read our new books to us. Indoors, we have been exploring magnetism using open-ended and sensory resources. Outdoors, we have been busy challenging ourselves on the monkey bars, using soft fall mats to make a platform to reach the bars. We are loving the challenge of swinging from one end to the other!



What a busy week! The Budja and Marram groups had a dentist incursion and learnt about how to look after their teeth as well as joining in for a screening check. 

The children had a blast at their buddy sessions Wednesday or Thursday mornings, reading a story together with the grade 4 children and engaging in some watercolour art together. 

The Budja children loved going to the Greatest book swap, the children got to choose a book to take home. Thank you for all the donations, we look forward to hearing how much money was raised! 



The Kindergarten team!