From the Principal's Desk

A big thank you to all the parents and families who contributed to and helped out at our

 recent street stall. Your generosity and hard work ensured the event was a great success, raising valuable funds for our school. We are fortunate to have such a supportive community, and your efforts make a significant difference in enhancing the educational experience for all our students.


A special thank you to Mrs. Thomsen for organising and leading our first Kindergarten Orientation for the year and to Mrs Barclay for her help. It was exciting to meet our future Kindergarten students for 2025 and see the bright smiles and eager faces as they took their first steps into school life. This orientation is an important milestone for both the children and their families, and we are thrilled to welcome them into our All Saints' family.


I’d like to remind everyone that our annual Casserole Night is just around the corner, taking place on the 4th of September. This event is always a highlight, offering a chance for our school community to come together, share delicious homemade dishes, and enjoy each other's company. Please mark your calendars for what promises to be a warm and enjoyable evening.


Next week, we will be celebrating Book Week, a fantastic opportunity to foster a love of reading and storytelling among our students. On Thursday, we will have our much-anticipated Book Parade at 9:30am, where students are invited to dress up as their favourite book characters. The theme for Book Week this year is ‘Reading is Magic’. Additionally, we will be hosting a Book Fair, offering a variety of books for all ages. It’s always wonderful to see the excitement that Book Week brings, and I encourage you to participate and support your child’s reading journey.


Thank you once again for your ongoing support and involvement in our school community. Your contributions help create a vibrant, welcoming environment where our students can thrive.


God Bless,


Daniel Francis