Junior School

Junior School House Athletics Carnival

Athletics Carnival: A Day to Remember!

The Junior School Athletics Carnival was an incredible success, despite the weather challenges and the change of date!


From start to finish, the day was filled with enthusiasm, camaraderie, and exceptional sportsmanship. Our boys demonstrated outstanding support for each other and their Factions, embodying the true spirit of teamwork and competition. Their energy and encouragement were truly inspiring!


A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the parents who braved the occasional showers to cheer on our athletes. Your presence added to the excitement and created a vibrant atmosphere that made the day even more special.


We would also like to extend our deepest gratitude to the Year 6 parents for providing the beautiful afternoon tea in the Pavilion.


Thank you once again to everyone who contributed to making the Athletics Carnival a memorable event. Your support and involvement are greatly appreciated.


Congratulations to Chanel our winning Faction, and to the below students on their fantastic achievements.

  • Year 4 Champion Boy - Daniel Adams 
  • Year 4 Runner Up Champion Boy - Nate Thompson 
  • Year 4 Endeavor - William Larkin
  • Year 5 Champion Boy – Gideon Quinn-Smith
  • Year 5 Runner Up Champion Boy – James McCrone
  • Year 5 Endeavor - Leo Warner 
  • Year 6 Champion Boy – Mitch Borman
  • Year 6 Runner Up Champion Boy – Bondi Allen 
  • Year 6 Endeavor - Nate Ismay

Congratulations to BIG!

We are thrilled to celebrate the wonderful performance of Boys In Groove last night at the Performing Arts Festival, where they dazzled us all with their Kung Fu Panda-themed routine! Their dynamic choreography and energy truly brought the spirit of the beloved film to life.


A special thanks to Mrs. Nicoletto for her guidance and dedication in leading the boys. Her choreography and relentless support during rehearsals played a crucial role in making this performance a success.

Lighthouse Maths Mystery Afternoon

Thank you to everyone who attended our Mystery Afternoon on Tuesday. We had a wonderful time solving puzzles and tackling challenges together. We hope you enjoyed the experience as much as we did!

Science Incursion 

Junior School National Science Week Wrap-Up: Supersonic Science Incursion

To conclude National Science Week, the Junior School at Trinity College enjoyed an exciting and educational incursion presented by Jason and Alesha from Supersonic Science. The students were captivated by a series of thrilling experiments that demonstrated fundamental scientific principles in engaging and memorable ways.


Hydrogen Balloon and Bubble Explosions

Students learned about hydrogen as the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. The demonstration showed the explosive nature of hydrogen when mixed with oxygen and ignited, creating dramatic visual effects. This experiment highlighted the importance of oxygen in combustion and explained why hydrogen-filled balloons float.


Traffic Light Reaction

This experiment demonstrated a reversible oxidation-reduction reaction using indigo carmine. By shaking the solution, students observed colour changes from yellow to red to green, which taught them about chemical reactions and how the concentration of oxygen affects colour changes in solutions.


Liquid Nitrogen Experiments

Jason and Alesha showcased several demonstrations using liquid nitrogen, an extremely cold substance with a boiling point of -196°C. Students saw a balloon shrink and then expand as the gas inside cooled and warmed. Another experiment involved creating a fog cloud with hot water, showing the rapid vaporisation of liquid nitrogen.


Bernoulli's Principle and Vortex Cannon

The Bernoulli's Principle demonstration used a leaf blower to create areas of high and low pressure, explaining how changes in fluid velocity affect pressure. A vortex cannon showed how air can form donut-shaped rings due to pressure differences, providing a fun way to understand fluid dynamics.


Elephant’s Toothpaste

A favourite among students, this experiment demonstrated a rapid chemical reaction that produced a foamy explosion, illustrating the concept of exothermic reactions and the role of catalysts.


Burning Bubbles

We were all amazed by the "Burning Bubbles" demonstration, where bubbles filled with a flammable gas were set on fire without burning Alesha’s hands. This experiment highlighted the heat-conducting properties of water and how it can protect against burns.


Overall, the Supersonic Science incursion was a fantastic conclusion to National Science Week, leaving students inspired and eager to learn more about the wonders of Science!

Lego Club

There has been much excitement in Lego Club over the past few weeks as students worked together to choose, order and start building our new sets. Lego Club is not only a time for students to create Lego, but an opportunity to make new friends as they bond over shared interests. The MRC is an inclusive space, and we encourage any students in Years 7- 10 to drop by to build Lego and friendships. Sessions run every Tuesday recess and lunch.


Homework Help Sessions

Over the course of the Term, Ms Calegari has been attending Homework Club in the library on a Tuesday afternoon from 3:15 pm until 4:15 pm. Students are welcome to attend these sessions without prior notice or they can email beforehand. During these sessions, we can provide support with homework, assessment tasks, and study notes. 


This assistance may include breaking down tasks, daily organization tips, scaffolding written tasks, creating study plans, as well as editing and refining work. If students are attending these sessions, they are encouraged to check in with Ms Calegari at the front of the library. If they are not sure where to do this, then they should keep an eye out for the sign below.


The MRC is also open at lunch on a Monday and Wednesday for students who would like homework help during the school day.

Upcoming Events

Book Week

A reminder that we will be celebrating Book Week in the Junior School next week from Monday 2 September to Friday 6 September. The theme for this year’s event is ‘Reading is Magic'. The Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the Junior School Library each day before school from 8.00am to 8.30am and after school from 3.00 pm to 3.30 pm.


The Junior School Book Week Parade, where students can dress as a character from a book or use the theme for inspiration, will be held on Wednesday 4 September at 8.30am in the Junior School Undercover Area.


Learning Journey 

On Tuesday, 3 September, we would like to invite you to school to join your son in his Learning Journey. This is an opportunity for your son to share a variety of his work from the term.To participate, we ask that you arrive at school between 5.00 PM and 6.30 PM, with the event closing at 7.00 PM. Each Learning Journey will last about 30 minutes. Your son will take responsibility in showing you some of the work and activities he has completed at school. He will explain the tasks he has accomplished, and you will be able to ask him questions about his work. As part of Learning Journey, the Science and Technology Room and Art Room will also be open.


Year 5 Camp Meeting 

Year 5 parents are encouraged to attend the Year 5 Camp Parent meeting. The meeting will be held the same afternoon as our Learning Journey, Tuesday 3 September at 5.00pm in the Year 5 Blue classroom. The Learning Journeys for Year 5 will then commence straight after, from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm.

Dates to Remember

Monday, 2 September

Performing Arts Festival, Boys in Groove - Dance Showcase 18:30 -21:00


Tuesday, 3 September 

Winter Sports/ Athletics Assembly, Years 4 - 12, 8.30am, Sports Centre 

Junior School Learning Journey 5.00pm -7.00pm 

Year 5 Camp Meeting, 5.00pm, Year 5 Blue Classroom 


Wednesday, 4 September 

Book Fair Parade, 8.30am, Undercover Area 


Martin Chatterton Author/ Illustrator Incursion, Years 4 – 6, 9.30 am, Gibney Hall


Thursday, 5 September 

JPSSA Athletics Carnival (selected students) 


Friday, 6 September

4 Green Class Mass, 8.40am 

Early Close, Years 4 – 12, 2.10pm  



UWA Little Athletics 2023/24 Season