Key Dates & Reminders


Below are list of some of the main dates for Family Calendars for the next few months, please note there has been a change of dates for the Year 3 & 4 Swimming Program:


August Dates

Friday 23rd August Sacrament of Confirmation @ 7pm 

Saturday 24rd August Community Mass @ 5pm

Monday 26th August Year 3 & 4 Swimming Program NEW DATE 

Tuesday 27th August Year 3 & 4 Swimming Program  NEW DATE 

Tuesday 27th August  School Advisory Council Meeting  @ 7pm

Wednesday 28th August Year 3 & 4 Swimming Program  NEW DATE 

Wednesday 28th August School Mass @ 9:30am

Thursday 29th August Yr 4 Thomas Carr Musical Excursion (Suessical)

Thursday 29th August Prep 2025 Information Night @ 7pm

 Friday 30th August Year 3 & 4 Swimming Program  NEW DATE 


September Dates

Thursday 12th September PT Interviews (Early Finish)

Tuesday 17th September Parent Teacher Interviews

Friday 20th September Early Finish End of Term


Sacrament of Confirmation 

 Friday 23rd August 

7:00pm @ St Andrew’s Church Werribee

This Friday 22 of our Year 6 students will be presented to Bishop Martin Ashe and will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.  A reminder to families that we ask that the Confirmation Candidate and their sponsor be seated in St Andrew’s Church Werribee by 6:45pm.  Please keep these students and their families in your prayer this week.


Parents of all students enrolled for Prep 2025 are invited to attend an information evening in the School Hall on Thursday 29th August at 7.00pm. During the evening we will outline important transition dates and other information necessary for a smooth start to the year. Students are not required to attend this session. Please contact the office on 8754 4300 to confirm your attendance.


Each year all catholic school’s survey students, parents and staff. The data collected through the survey process provides us with valuable feedback and guides the school’s future direction.  Students from Year 4-6 will be completing an online survey over the next few weeks. The surveys are conducted by an outside agency, which selects 80 families to complete a survey.  The selected families will have their survey log in details sent home shortly.  Surveys open on Monday 2nd September and close on Friday 20th September.


The Year 5 & 6 teachers are in the final stages of organising Camp, which will take place over two days,  Thursday 7th and Friday 8th November.  This year the students will be participating in an Adventure Camp, where they will have the opportunity to experience a range of outdoor activities.  St John’s Senior students attended a camp at this location in 2022  and had a great time.   We will be holding a Parent Information early in Term 4.  At this meeting we will outline the camp itinerary and discuss items students will need to pack.  


The office will be sending home reminder notices for those families who are yet to pay camp fees. We are asking families to cover the first $200 of the camp costs, with the school covering any costs above this.  All payments are due by the 15th of September.


Please Note New Dates

Due to maintenance works we have had to transfer this year’s Swimming Program to AquaPulse in Hoppers Crossing.  The Year 3 & 4 Water Safety Program will be held from Monday 26th, Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th and Friday 30th August.  Each 45-minute session caters from beginners to advanced swimmers with an emphasis on fun, safety and skill development. Water safety and learning to swim is a part of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum, whilst also being an essential life skill that provides students with the confidence and skills to enjoy aquatic environments and activities safely.


Each year all Catholic Schools publish their Annual Report for the previous year.  St John’s Annual Report is now available and can be accessed via the school website and the link below.