Visual Arts
Students in 5/6 began looking at figures in action to coincide with the Paris Paralympics. Links between the sculptures of Alberto Giacometti and figures in action were also made. Students spent a single session creating a tinfoil sculpture of a figure in action doing a sport of their choice.
Results were pleasingly varied with a range of sports represented.
Students took their sculptures home.
Students in 3/4 continued to explore the theme of dragons.
After revising commonalities and differences between dragons from different storytelling cultures students used a template as a starting point to create their own dragon.
They then used oil pastels to take a rubbing and had free choice over how to finish off the background.
Students in 1/2 have been focussing on storybooks from a range of Indigenous Australian authors, this week focussing on Helen Milroy and her book ‘Backyard Beasties’.
Students identified common elements throughout the storybook and then created some layers based on this discussion.
Next week we will look at patterns used by Helen to complete the artworks.
Students in Foundation have used two gorgeous picture story books in the last fortnight to create different artworks.
The first was ‘Thelma the Unicorn’ and the second was ‘Blue Floats Away’.
Thelma the Unicorn is a story about acceptance and Blue Floats Away is about an iceberg that transforms into a cloud through the water cycle process.
Here are some of the students’ works: