Class 2 News


Dear Class 2 Family and Friends,


Our overnight camp out at Simpson’s Gap campgrounds was full of food, fun and freedom. Watching the children embrace this challenge together and explore their natural surroundings was so enjoyable. It was a pleasure to spend time in the dry creek bed – a giant sand pit, while the breeze rustled through the grass, budgies trilled and darted, and the children played.


The stories of our next Main Lesson, “Saints and Heroes”, serve a particular purpose in complementing the animal fables because saints and heroes are people who, through self-discipline and strict training, overcome their own lower natures.  This is pictured in the stories as outer encounters with animals in which moral strength enables them to face the wildness of the animal nature and transform it. These stories manifest the classic ideal of truth, beauty and goodness.


We are celebrating Book Week on Monday morning – dress up as a character from a book and show the book your character comes from.


We are planning a bike ride…more information to come.