
Anxiety and Resilience - Dr Maria Ruberto

On Wednesday, 28 August we were inspired and educated by psychologist Dr Maria Ruberto. She shared some facts and statistics about resilience, anxiety and emotional responses. Maria gave us reasons why building resilience in our children is critical for their growth and their success into the future. 

Children need to learn to self regulate but in times of sadness or distress they need to know we are there for them, to listen and to co-regulate.

As a Group this is what we shared that we want our children to be as a 27 Year old:

  • Being humble
  • Knowing themselves and Backing themself
  • Accepting failure
  • Being a Good communicators
  • Wanting to do better
  • Having Ambition
  • Growing in Confidence, Self-esteem and Self-worth
  • Being Content and Happy 
  • Being Motivated
  • Being Respectful
  • Having a Loving relationship and loving friends
  • Feeling like they are enough
  • Being Cool, calm, collected
  • Focussing on Optimism and Positive thinking
  • Building a Support network
  • Having and Following their Dreams
  • Accepting challenges

Maria also shared the Mood Meter.

The Mood Meter needs to be used regularly with your children to help them identify their emotions and moods but also to teach them that moods and emotions change regularly. Children should learn to monitor their feelings and seek support if they are experiencing ongoing low pleasantness and low energy. All emotions serve a different purpose but it is important to work towards building optimism so children know that things will improve.