Religious Dimension

Sunday's Gospel - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary time


Gospel Reading -  Mark 7: 31-37

"He does all things well, 'they said, 'He makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak"

This story reminds us of the power and compassion of Jesus by the way he heals a deaf and mute man.  Amongst the people of that time, the word was spreading, regarding how Jesus was 'making all things good' as was prophesised in the Old Testament.

In our lives we know of loved ones who are suffering or bearing a cross which seems unfair or unjustified. May we all be confident with sharing the message of hope to those who need encouragement in their lives. 

Pyjama Day

Thank-you to our school Social Justice Leaders who helped us to prepare and promote our school event on 30 August. It was a great initiative that promoted greater awarenes of Homelessness and how we can support those currently experiencing homelessness in our community. 

Year Prep-2 Family Prayer Services

This week our junior classes have invited families to stay in the morning as they celebrate the love and uniqueness of their families.  This morning 1/2 Nicole and Anna prepared the students so well with readings and prayers. The symbols were shared at the start of the prayer service giving a real sense of our Catholic Identity.


It was lovely to see many of our families gather with beautiful reflective music and songs being shared as well.  Here are some photos taken from this morning as well as our family pictures for you to see.


Important Dates

Everyone is welcome to join us at the community mass each Tuesday at 10am, when our classes will also be celebrating and participating.


TERM 3 CLASS MASSES - Tuesday at 10am at St John's Church

Week 9        Year 1/2A - Miss MaioSeptember 10
Week 10      Year 1/2B - Mrs. Hendy and Mrs. WebbSeptember 17                                     

Melinda Buscema 
