Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the Outer Eastern Principal's Network Conference in Healesville, where the focus was on metacognition—a crucial process that involves planning, monitoring, and assessing one’s own understanding and thinking. Metacognition encourages students to develop a critical awareness of their thought processes and learning habits, empowering them to become more effective thinkers and learners.

While we can teach students strategies for learning, it is equally important to instill in them a deep understanding of why these strategies matter. Without this foundational knowledge, students may struggle to apply what they've learned. To foster deeper learning, we must explicitly teach metacognitive strategies so that students can consciously engage with and apply new knowledge in meaningful ways.

We also explored the topic of student attention spans. Contrary to popular belief, attention spans haven’t necessarily diminished over time. However, in certain contexts—such as when scrolling through social media—students may exhibit shorter attention spans, engaging in “doom scrolling” through rapid, short bursts of content. To address this, it's essential to provide a variety of learning opportunities that help students develop the ability to focus and concentrate for extended periods. Activities like reading, solving puzzles, creating detailed illustrations, or playing board games can all contribute to building this vital skill.

Another enriching session led by Maria Ruberto offered practical strategies for coping with difficult situations. While the benefits of deep breathing are well-known, Maria also introduced us to the calming effects of humming. Humming, much like singing, can help soothe the vagus nerve, which plays a key role in balancing our fight-or-flight response and promoting relaxation. By stimulating this nerve, we can enhance both mental and physical well-being—a powerful tool for both educators and students alike.


I am looking forward to seeing you all this Friday at our St John's School Art Show. This is a great example of the talent and creativity that all of our students exhibit. You will be impressed by the artistic skills on show.

Sovereign Hill

Last week our Year 5's wandered through the historical streets and buildings of Sovereign Hill, taking part in hands-on activities that vividly brought history to life. One of the key highlights of the camp was the opportunity to pan for gold in search of gold nuggets, experiencing firsthand one of the most iconic aspects of the gold rush.

The students also visited a range of old-time shops and workshops, where they learned about the various trades and crafts that were essential to daily life during the 1850s. From blacksmithing to candle-making, they gained insights into the skills and tools that shaped the era. A particularly memorable experience for the students was their visit to the costume school. Dressed in period attire, they participated in interactive sessions led by educators in authentic costumes. These sessions provided a window into the daily life of children during the gold rush, covering topics such as significant historical events and, importantly, the differences in education back in the 1850s. They returned with a greater appreciation for the challenges and opportunities of the gold rush era, and with many memorable stories to share with their families and friends.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Tracey Farrar, Allison Bayliss, Melinda Buscema and Lipo Li, who attended the camp. Their dedication and support made this unforgettable learning opportunity possible for our Year 5 students.

End of Term Reflection

We are coming to the end of another busy term and we have achieved so much and have a great deal to be thankful for. The growth in our student learning is remarkable as evidenced by our NAPLAN results in Year 3 and 5 as well as the many ongoing assessments that we complete every week at school. Congratulations to all of our students!


Other highlights this Term have included:

  • Interrelate Personal Development Child and Parent evenings
  • Attending the Emmaus Musical production of Funny Girl
  • St John's Disco Bingo Night
  • Sacrament of Confirmation
  • Year 3/4 IMAX Excursion
  • Parent Evenings with Dr Justin Coulsin and Maria Ruberto
  • Father's Day Breakfast
  • Literacy Week
  • STEM Week
  • Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
  • Camp to Sovereign Hill
  • Super Hero 'Bullying No Way' Day
  • 100 Days of Prep

It is fantastic that we are able to offer all of these events and opportunities again for our students and families. I am so blessed to be part of such a supportive and proactive community. Our teachers and staff continue to go above and beyond with all that they do at St John's. Thanks to everyone for helping to make this such an exciting and engaging term. Thank-you to our Community Association for all of their fundraising, social and outreach for this term. Your contributions to our Community are enormous. Thank-you also to the School Advisory Council for your ongoing time and support this term.

School Fees

This is just a reminder that all school fees need to be finalised by the end of this term. Please make your final payments to ensure that there is no outstanding debt. Come and see me if you are having difficulty making your final payment.

St John's Art Show 


You are all invited to the 

St John's Art Show, 

Friday, 13 September 2024. 





Each student will be exhibiting 

several pieces of artwork, to share their 

creativity and inspiration 



We are asking families to complete the 15 minute MACSSIS survey to provide us with valuable feedback, about various aspects of our school and community. The Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) will be close on 15 September 2023. 

Once you have completed the survey please email me to go into the draw to win a voucher. There will be several prizes drawn over a two week period.

End of Term - Footy Day

On Friday students can wear their Footy jumper to school or favourite sporting team outfit. Don't forget that the students will finish early on the last Friday of term, 20 September, at 1.00pm.

Our final assembly will be at 12.30pm, and students will be dismissed after the assembly.

Special Food day on Footy Day

The last day of Term, Friday 20 September, is Footy Day and a Special Food Day. For more details before you place an order, refer to the Parent Association section.

Please place your lunch orders via the CDFpay link below.!/shops

St John's Footy Joke of the Week

What did the Football Coach do when the field became flooded? He sent on his subs!


Enjoy your week ahead and please let me know if there is anything that I can do to assist you or your family.


Verona Gridley
