Fundraiser For Jeans For Genes Day
Following a successful staff fundraiser for Jeans for Genes Day earlier this month, Gandhi 1 homegroup have been practicing their skipping skills each morning, completing 100 skips a day to help increase our community support for this worthy charity. They have been able to raise nearly $500 taking KCC's total contribution to well over $3000.
This has tied in well with a focus this term on our college values of Faith, Learning, Care and Justice. It has been fantastic to see everyone participate in this community event, serve our wider community and show generosity. Some mornings they lacked motivation but they were committed to giving it a go and challenged themselves to try new tricks and improve skipping techniques. There were a few surprises and hidden talents discovered, and each morning students were engaged, smiling and ready for a day of learning.
Bindi Belling | Classroom & Learning Support