Faith Life & Learning and Teaching News

Curriculum Updates in English, Mathematics, Faith, Discovery & Inquiry


Student led Class Masses

This year students have been preparing and leading their own class liturgies! This special project is designed to deepen their understanding of their faith and strengthen their connection to its practices.


Through this experience, students are learning the essential parts of the liturgy, from the opening prayers to the readings and selecting hymns. They are also exploring the significance behind each element, fostering a greater appreciation and engagement with our faith traditions.


The process not only enhances their religious knowledge but also amplifies their voices in our faith community. By taking an active role in crafting and leading these liturgies, students are developing a personal and meaningful connection to their faith.

It has been wonderful to have you to join us in these celebrations this term. Your presence not only supports our students but also enrich their experience.


Maths in the Prep classroom ...

This term in Prep the students have been learning about adding numbers. Students have been exposed to number number sentences to support their understanding in this area e.g. 5 and 4 makes 9. Other important skills students need include one-to-one correspondence, subitising and trusting the count. 


It's common for students at this developmental stage to 'count all' when combining to collections. Some strategies students having been working on are:

  • counting on from the biggest number
  • subtising (seeing a small collection and knowing how much it is without counting)
  • building number facts and fluency e.g. 2 + 3 = 5
  • using tens frames to show numbers and assist with developing more efficient strategies
  • friends of ten

Here are the Prep students hard at work.

Kim Dalmau

Mathematics Leader