Secondary School Information

Thank you for considering Mount St. Joseph Girls College. We look forward to welcoming your family into our community.
Life at Emmanuel College is engaging and truly presents something for everyone. Wecelebrated the Feast of the Assumption last Thursday, with Archpriest Fr. Michael Kalkaleading a beautiful celebratory mass at St Paul’s Campus. The Mission Team at NotreDame Campus held a wonderful liturgy and we thank everyone for their contribution inmaking this day meaningful and inspirational.
Emmanuel’s Marianist ethos is expressed in a safe and secure Catholic environment,based on compassion, respect, justice and responsibility which fosters thedevelopment of the learning and faith community. The following is a reflection onCultural Week, by one of our student leaders, Kadin Harvey:
As a community comprised of many different cultures and backgrounds, we are verylucky to have the support from our school to celebrate what brings us all together. Thisweek at NDC, we have been very busy running many different activities to celebrateCultural Week. One of our McCoy House Captains, Khang Huynh, planned, organisedand ran a Cultural Trivia competition on Wednesday which students were invited toparticipate in, creating not only some friendly competition, but also teaching some funfacts about the cultures within our own community. One of the McCluskey HouseCaptains, Ishmanpreet Gosal, organised a Cultural Dancing event were staff andstudents were given the opportunity to individually or in a group perform a dancetraditional to their culture. We had three different groups participating, performingIndian, Filippino and Greek dancing. Alongside the dancing, we also had the culturaldress parade, where students who were wearing clothing representing theirbackground came together to celebrate. On top of all of these activities, we also hadstudents read The Our Father prayer in the language of their culture over the PAsystem during Homeroom each day for all staff and students to hear. Finally, We'd liketo leave you with the following quote from which we sought inspiration from during theplanning of these activities; "Diversity is like the colours of the rainbow, all the differentcolours is what makes the rainbow so beautiful".
Year 7 2026 – applications closed Friday 16 August
If your child is in Year 5, and you would like them to be considered for a place in Year 7,2026, please contact the College Registrar, Donna Grech as a matter of urgency: 83255100 or
Find out more about the innovative learning programs that we have here at Emmanueland enjoy a campus tour led by student ambassadors, by joining us at a Collegeexperience. Registration and details for each campus is available here:
Yours sincerely
Jenny Hendricks
Community Engagement Officer