The School Uniform Shop will close on Friday 13th September.
We are unable to accept any orders after this date.
Uniform orders are filled on Wednesdays.
Completed order forms need to be at the school office by Tuesday for orders to be filled and delivered to your child by Wednesday.
Uniform order forms are available from the school office or click on the link below.
We have a number of children that are missing out on their lunch orders due to user error. Please make sure you select the correct date and move through each step to avoid your child missing out on their lunch order. You can check your receipt to confirm that you've completed the order correctly.
Lunch orders are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
The online ordering process is up and running.
Please log in to Qkr! and follow the steps.
Lunch orders are all on line. Orders must be placed by 8:30 a.m.
** Please ensure that you are selecting the correct date for your orders. **
A reminder that Prep enrolments for 2025 are now open and we are currently receiving applications.
Please click on the tab below to download an enrolment form or collect an enrolment form from the school office if you wish to secure a place for any younger siblings in 2025.
Enrolment forms must be accompanied by a copy of your child's birth certificate/passport and their immunisation records.
Cricket Blast will be held on the school oval starting Thursday 29th August. This is a FREE event for Valkstone students, however you must register using the link:
As this is an extra-curricular activity children MUST be supervised by an adult. Places are limited so make sure that you register using the link.
In order for your child to be featured, please complete the Media Permission form on Compass.
Hats will be available for purchase from the School Office.
どういたしまして(pronounced ‘doh itashi mashite‘) which means ‘You’re welcome’ is the Japanese Word for Week 7 & 8 of Term 3. You can simply use ‘どういたしまして’ (‘doh itashi mashite) instead of ‘You’re welcome’ when someone says ‘ありがとう’ pronounced ‘aligatoh’ which means ‘Thank you’ to you.
Thank you / ありがとうございます (pronounced ‘aligatoh gozaimas’) for your continuing support for our Japanese program.
Muldeary Sensei & Nguyen Sensei
Book Week is always a highlight of the school calendar, with the entire school buzzing with excitement and creativity. “Reading is Magic” was this year’s theme and Valkstone was filled with students celebrating the magic of children's literature, each one proudly dressed as their favourite book character. The colourful costumes added to the festive mood, making the school a vibrant tribute to the power of stories. Activities, book readings, and lively discussions brought the pages of beloved books to life, creating a shared experience of joy and imagination for everyone involved.
A special thank you to our community for making the time to attend a very special ‘Pop Up Parade’ last Wednesday. We loved having our parents, friends and grandparents with us to celebrate!
May the magic of books always be with you, and may every story lead you to new worlds!
Mrs Abel and Mrs Joyce
Programs will be available from Thursday 29th August.
Bookings requests must be made via the Xplor App
We have 97 places available each day. If we reach capacity you will receive a notification from Xplor stating your booking has been rejected and you will be placed on a waiting list.
Please ensure that you have notifications / messages enabled on Xplor.
To receive a copy, please email:
Bookings close at 6pm on Friday 13th September 2024
Debra Russell
OSHC Coordinator
Valkstone Primary School
Thank you to Emma Reed and her assistants for all of their help with the second hand uniform sale, the sale was a great success making a profit of $462.00
Lost property is now located in the gym near the STEM room.
Please remember to put your name on your school jumpers, hats etc. to ensure that we are able to return them to you.
Tennis - Wednesday & Thursday at lunchtime in the Gym.
Enrolment: or
0408 806 339
YogaFun - Tuesday at lunchtime in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Chess - Wednesday after school in the Grade 2 area 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Beginning week 2
Art Smart - Tuesday after school in the Art Room 3:40 - 5:00 p.m.