R.E. News

Religious Education Dates for 2024
Whole School Mass/Events
- Thursday 12th December - Year 6 Graduation at 6pm
- Friday 13th December - End of School Mass at 9am
Children’s Liturgy
The reintroduction of Children's Liturgy at St Mark's Church is up and running and looking for more volunteers!
The Children's Liturgy provides a great opportunity for primary aged children to engage with the gospel in a way that is accessible and meaningful to them. It runs every Sunday at the St Mark's 9:30am mass during school terms. At the start of mass the Children’s Liturgy adult leaders take the primary school age children into the hall for a small lesson and activity about the gospel of the day. Parents are welcome to join the session if they would like. If any parents are interested in volunteering to help with the Sunday sessions, please email Andrew Davies - andrew@smdingley.catholic.edu.au
Gospel Reflection by Dianne Bergant CSA
The readings of the First Sunday of Advent set the stages for our reflections on the entire season. They contain a number of promises, all pointing to peace and fulfilment. Each reading depicts a dimension of suffering that was often brought on by the people themselves. The promises are assurances that the end of their suffering was in sight. The promises reveal a loving and provident, a merciful and forgiving God. These are promises full of hope.
The coming of the Lord is clearly a time of expectation, not of fear and trembling. Although the earlier tradition about the Day of the Lord included punishment of the wicked, the focus here is on redemption. The time of expectation may be preceded by apocalyptic signs in the heavens and dismay on earth, but this cosmic shift will bring fulfilment, not destruction. The love and providence, the mercy and forgiveness of God will be made manifest.
What is expected of those who receive the promise? An Advent way of life exhorts us to ‘wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ’. This way of life is both simple and profound. It does not necessarily require unusual behaviour on our part, but it calls us to live the usual unusually well. It affects the everyday events of life; it directs the way we interact with people; it informs the attitudes that colour our judgments and motivations. It is as ordinary as the birth of a child; it is as extraordinary as the revelation of God.
Christmas Class Hampers
With Christmas only just over a month away St Mark’s Primary School in conjunction with St Vincent de Paul Society have decided to make up Christmas hampers for the needy families in our community.
Each grade will be asked to donate specific items and place them into a basket in their grade.
St Vincent de Paul will be picking the baskets up on Friday 6th December so all donations will need to be brought to school before this date.
We thank you for your ongoing support of our school and the wider community.
Advent Foyer Presentation
Over the next 3 weeks the different year levels will be decorating the foyer to represent the 4 weeks of Advent - Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Parents are most welcome to come in and have a look at the different displays. Below is the first week of Advent - Hope, created by the Year 1/2 level
St Mark's Christmas Family Mass Nativity Play
For families attending the Christmas Eve 6pm mass at St. Mark's Church, if your child/ren would like to participate in the nativity play please attend the rehearsals (dates and times listed OR dates and times to be advised soon). The nativity play and carols commence at 5:30pm on Christmas Eve, so please arrive 5 minutes beforehand. For children who are unable to make the rehearsals but would still like to participate, please dress as either a shepherd or an angel and arrive at church at 5:25pm on Christmas Eve. If your child would like to participate or carols please email Andrew Davies at andrew@smdingley.catholic.edu.au by Friday 6th December.
2nd Rite Reconciliation 7.30pm (St Joseph's)
10am - 12pm (both St Joseph and St Mark)
10am - 11.30am (both St Joseph and St Mark)
Christmas Carols 7.30pm (St Joseph's)
Christmas Vigil Mass 24 Dec
6pm - family Mass
7.30pm - Mass in Maltese
9.30pm - Mass in Vietnamese
11.30pm - Christmas carols
Midnight Mass
5.30pm - Christmas Carols
5.45pm - Christmas Play
6pm - Vigil Christmas Family Mass
Christmas Day 25 Dec
Mass time: 8am; 11am and 3pm
ST MARK'S Church
9.30am Mass