Plans for 2025

Plans for 2025
Plans for 2025 are well and truly underway. In 2025, we will have 14 classes:
- Year Prep x 2 – located in Rooms 5 and 6 (current location)
- Year 1 x 2 – located in Rooms 1 and 2 (current location)
- Year 2 x 2 – located in Rooms 3 and 4 (currently Year 1 and Itlaian / Visual Arts Room)
- Year 3 x 2 – located in Rooms 9 and 10 (current location)
- Year 4 x 2 – located in Rooms 22 and 23 (current location)
- Year 5 x 2 – located in Rooms 16 and 17 (current location)
- Year 6 x 2 – located in Rooms 20 and 19 (current location)
This structure allows for growth and student movement and provides opportunities for teachers to work in teams. Students and teachers will work closely, sharing spaces and strengths when appropriate. It is important to remember that all teachers have other administration duties alongside their classroom responsibilities, which may require them to be released on an ongoing basis. A great deal of thought and planning also goes into the placement of each teacher. Often a classroom teacher can be considered “The Prep Teacher” or “The Year 6 Teacher”. However, this is not the case. Staff at St Justin’s have the training, and more importantly the passion, to teach students at a variety of levels.
Next year, as with all years, there will be movement within the school - please see below. In planning, it’s wonderful to hear staff talk about all students and not just those in their class or their year level. A great deal of thought is also given to the placement of each child – a decision that is not taken lightly. We endeavour to provide each child with the opportunity to be part of a class that will allow him or her the best opportunity to learn. Consideration is given to each child’s social and emotional needs, ability, behaviour, friendship groups, etc. Individual needs and a whole school perspective must be considered.
However, having said that, with our connecting classrooms accessed via doors or sliding doors and our large playground, our students are more able to engage and interact with students and teachers from other classes. We are a community of learners and we learn for, from and with each other. This includes us all and not just a selection. It is exposure to a variety of personalities and qualities that help us develop as a whole person. In some schools, students are asked to nominate 5 or so ‘friends’ that they would like to be with in the following year. However, some schools have found that this has created a great deal of anxiety for students and it can send the wrong message that “I can only learn if I am with my friends”. Likewise, some schools have asked parents to make any formal requests in writing. Again, this has created a great deal of anxiety with parents, some who feel the need to write something, simply because there has been an invitation. We believe that with our ongoing communication, staff are in a position to make an informed decision. Life is sometimes, not about being in the perfect situation, but making the most of the situation we are in. With many goals still to be achieved until the end of the school year, we will continue with our plans for 2025.
Staffing for 2025
Next year we will see a few staff changes to our team.
Next year, we are sad to say that Miss Lisa Chiappalone will be leaving us, having accepted a position at St Elizabeth's Primary School, Dandenong North. Miss C has been with us for 8 years, commencing in 2017. In that time, she has taught Years 4, 5 and Yr 1, and various other classes as an Emergency Teacher. Miss C has been our Wellbeing Leader, a member of the Leadership Team, Consultative Committee, Production Team, Safety Team and Art Show Team. More importantly, she's been an amazing supportive member of our community and we'll certainly miss her generosity of time, her encouragement and passion for our community. Whilst we are sad to see her go, we wish her all the very best at St Elizabeth's. Having said that, we are excited to announce that Mrs Natalie Santucci will fill the void left by Miss C, working with Mrs Interligi in Year 2.
We are also excited to announce that Miss Laura Leung and her partner Paolo, are expetcting their first baby towards the end of April. As a result, Miss Leung will take Maternity Leave from the end of Term 1 and to accomadate this change, we have planned accordingly. In Term 1, Miss Leung will be in Year 6 (Monday and Tuesday), Numeracy Leader (Thursday and Friday) and DP / Director of Learning and Teaching on Wednesday.
In Term 2, Mrs Christie Lacey will return in Year 6 (Monday and Tuesday) working with Mrs Slonim. Mr Mosele will take on the role of Numeracy Leader (Wednesday and Thursday) and Mrs Rowlings will come into Mr Mosele's class on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs Snell will make a slight change to her time allocation to help cover ever second Wednesday, and if/when Mrs Snell and I are off site, other arrangements will be made.
We are also excited to welcome back Mrs Sarah Crough. Mrs Crough orignially started here in 2012 and whilst she been on Maternity Leave of more recent times, Mrs Crough has been here on a regular basis, helping out as a replacement teacher. She is very much looking forward to being back at St Justin's on a more regular basis.
A full list of staffing is listed below.
Staff 2025
Fr Andrew Madry - Parish Priest
Mr Patrick Torpey - Principal
Mrs Leanne Snell - Deputy Principal .9 / Religious Education Leader
Mrs Angelique Loadman - Year Prep LC (Mon-Wed, Fri), Student Wellbeing Leader (Thurs)
Mrs Sarah Crough - Year Prep LC (Thurs)
Miss Rachael Lea - Year Prep R
Mrs Samantha Lutgens - Year 1L
Ms Meg McCallum - Year 1M
Mrs Helen Interligi - Year 2 SI (Mon & Tues)
Mrs Natalie Santucci - Year 2 SI (Wed-Fri)
Mrs Rachel De La Haye - Year 2 DC (Mon-Thurs)
Mrs Sarah Crough - Year 2 DC (Fri)
Miss Belinda Dalach - Year 3D
Mrs Jess Wickens - Year 3 MW (Mon-Tues) Literacy Leader (Wed-Thurs)
Mrs Jen McGrath - Year 3 MW (Wed - Fri)
Mrs Carmel Pitt - Year 4 PM (Mon-Tues, Thurs-Fri)
Mrs Jacinta Mulholland - Year 4PM (Wed)
Mr Nicholas Mosele (Term 1) - Year 4 MR, (from Term 2) - (Mon, Tues and Fri), Numeracy Leader
Mrs Deb Rowlings (from Term 2) - Year 4 MR (Wed-Thurs)
Miss Annalise Flarve - Year 5 F
Mrs Deb Wood - Year 5 W
Mrs Lucy D’Angelo - Year 6 DB (Wed-Fri)
Mrs Lisa Braybrook - Year 6 DB (Mon-Tues)
Mrs Belinda Slonim - Year 6 SL (Wed-Fri)
Miss Laura Leung - (Term 1) Year 6 SL (Mon-Tues), Numeracy Leader (Thurs-Fri) DP .1 every 2nd Wed
Mrs Christie Lacey - (Term 2) Year 6 SL (Mon-Tues)
Ms Donna Coelho - Administration (Mon-Fri)
Mrs Belinda Rubino - Administration (Wk 1 - Mon, Weds-Fri/Wk 2 - Mon, Thurs - Fri )
Johnny Tran - Business Manager (Thursday)
Miss Anne Livera - Learning Diversity Leader (Tues, Fri)
Mrs Louise Skues - Literacy Support
Mrs Christy Riddiford - Performing Arts (Tues - Thurs), Choir and Drumming Beats
Mrs Laura Wegmann - STEAM Teacher & Information Resource Centre (Tues - Thurs), Community Engagement and Digi Tech (Mon & Fri)
Mr Clinton Johnson - Physical Education and Health (Mon - Fri)
Mrs Silvana Cetrola - LOTE - Italian (Tues - Thurs)
Mrs Jacinta Mulholland - Visual Arts (Mon & Tues)
Learning Support Officers
Mrs Carmel Sullivan - Learning Support Officer (Mon, Thurs, Fri)
Mrs Milena De Lillo - Learning Support Officer (Mon - Thurs)
Mrs Mary Cedro - Learning Support Officer (Tues, Wed)
Mrs Lisa Stewart - Learning Support Officer (Mon - Wed, Fri)
Mrs Sandra Pascuzzi - Learning Support Officer (Tues - Fri)
Mrs Christina Patti - Learning Support Officer (Mon, Wed & Fri)
Miss Michaela Torpey - Learning Support Officer (Mon, Tues, Fri)
Mr Tony Di Iorio - Maintenance / Gardener (Thurs)
Mr Albert Axaiq - School Support - Music (Tues)
We look forward to a very exciting year head.