Music News

Woodwind Ensemble Performance at Box Hill Library
Last week, our Woodwind Ensemble performed at the Box Hill Library as part of their Christmas entertainment. The library patrons (with a few parents mixed in) enjoyed listening to the group, who have been working hard to put a program of Christmas songs and other music together for this occasion. Congratulations to all the performers.
AMEB Exam Achievements
Congratulations to the following students who have sat for Australian Music Examinations Board exams this year:
Ethan 8F – Trumpet Grade 2 (Credit)
Margherita 10L – Saxophone Grade 5 (Credit)
Rudra 10H – Saxophone Grade 5 (Credit)
Nini 10E – Flute Grade 7
Caitlin 8F – Cello Grade 3
Hannah 10B – Flute Grade 5
David 10J – Violin Grade 7 (Credit)
Hannah 10K – Clarinet Grade 5 (Credit)
Allyson 8J – Clarinet Grade 3 (Honours)
Eddric 8C – Cello Grade 1 (Credit)
Isaac 12L – Saxophone Grade 8
Ashleigh 9F – Clarinet Grade 5
Ryan 8I – Saxophone Grade 3 (Honours)
Meagan 8K – Flute Grade 2 (Honours)
Exuan 8J – Clarinet Grade 4 (Credit)
Hajin 8E – Clarinet Grade 3 (Credit)
Return of Instruments
Students who are hiring school musical instruments should have returned them to the Music department immediately after the Orientation Day performances on Tuesday 10 December.
All instruments need to be checked over by music staff for maintenance and stocktaking.
It may be possible to borrow an instrument for the school holidays, but this is on a case-by-case basis after the return and assessment of the instrument.
Students are strongly encouraged to purchase their own instrument after their first year of learning, as preference for school hire instruments goes to new Year 7 students.
Perhaps consider a new instrument as a Christmas present!
Carl Williams
Instrumental Music
Sponsor a Seat in the PAC
We are inviting you to be a part of our Performing Arts Centre as a Seat Sponsor.
With your gift of $300 (Premium Seat in the front section of the theatre) or $250 (General Seating) each, you can play your part in continuing to upgrade and create a state-of-the-art facility for use by our students, as well as the wider community.
A plaque will be placed on the back of each seat you sponsor.
Commemorate your connection to EDSC in the name of your family, your son, daughter, business or someone else who is special.
This donation is fully tax deductible. A receipt for tax purposes will be mailed to you.