Languages News - Italian

Wishing all families Auguri per le feste
As we come to the end of another school year, my team and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all families all the best for the new year and Happy Holidays. Buon Anno a tutti . For families who celebrate Christmas Vi auguriamo un Buon Natale.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Italian team of teachers for their dedication, support and collaboration. A huge thank you to Joanne Kelly, Katharine Graziano and Justin D’Andrea.
A shout out to Nella Bernecich and Stephanie Corveddu, who came out of retirement to help us with the junior classes.
As the numbers of students selecting to study Italian continues to grow, we welcome Hayley Wilson and Monica Sestito to our team in 2025.
This has been another year to celebrate the success of students of Italian. Some highlights this year include our success in both the Dante Alighieri Poetry Recitation Competition and the CIS Junior Italian Poetry Recitation Competition. Once again students excelled with a number of students receiving Certificates of Honour. A special mention to our First Prize winners, Laloona – Yr 12 Primo Premio Non- Italian and Aaryan – Yr 7 Primo Premio.
We look forward to next year.
Joyce Conidoni
Languages (Italian) Coordinator