Year 4 Newsletter

Dear parents,


Students had an incredible time at the African drumming workshop led by the amazing Odai! His passion for music and his vibrant energy captivated everyone, as he shared not only drumming techniques but also the rich cultural heritage behind the rhythms. It was inspiring to see how Odai encouraged and guided the children, building their confidence as they created music together, a truly enriching and unforgettable experience!


What's happened in year 4 this week?


English – This week we have continued looking at persuasive text structure. 


Maths –This week we have continued using mathematical modelling to solve practical problems that involve additive and multiplicative situations, including financial contexts. In particular, we looked at a scenario involving household chores and pocket money. This will continue over the coming week, followed by revision of many important concepts taught over the course of the year.


Inquiry - This week in Inquiry students participated in the African Drumming Workshop and were able to view David Attenborough documentaries from his 'Seven Worlds, One Planet' series.


Project presentation will begin next week. All students are expected to have their presentations ready by Monday morning. These will be presented throughout the week.


Swimming starts on Monday

Please have your child wear their bathers to school under their school uniform and have sunscreen applied.

Students will need to wear their school broad brimmed hat - NO caps or other forms of headwear.

In a small swimming bag children are to bring:

  • Towel
  • Underwear
  • Goggles if required
  • Rashie - if required
  • Sunscreen if not using school sunscreen
  • Waterproof bag to place wet bathers in

Week 9 (next week)

Week 10

Week 11 (last week of school)

Monday 2nd Dec

Tuesday 3rd Dec

Monday 9th Dec

Tuesday 10th Dec

Wednesday 11th Dec

Thursday 12th Dec

Monday 16th Dec

Tuesday 17th Dec



Big Day Out

Please provide CONSENT or DECLINE via Compass ASAP to enable teachers to organise buses and food by FRIDAY 13th DECEMBER.

The Year 4’s are heading to the Diamond Creek Pool for their Big Day Out on Wednesday 18th December to celebrate a wonderful year together. The students will participate in pool games and play on the inflatable structure. Students will have pizza for lunch at the pool and receive an icy pole when we return to school at 2pm.



  • Minimum 4 nights reading with at least 80 minutes per week recorded in school diary (Book title, pages read, minutes read).
  • Diary is to be brought to school each Friday signed by parents.
  • Mathletics tasks will be optional whilst students are completing the ‘at home project’. We will set tasks weekly to support topics in the classroom. Certificates will be awarded for those choosing to complete the tasks.
  • At home project - Project presentations are due by Monday (presentation will be happening sometime during next week - from 2nd December onwards). 


Important Reminders: 

  • Swimming Program - Starts this Monday
  • Hats - please ensure your child has a school appropriate ‘sun smart’ hat. 
  • Classroom Kris Kringle: We would like to celebrate the end of the year with a class KK. If your child would like to be involved we ask they bring in a $10 gender neutral present by Thursday 14th December. The KK will run following our Big Day Out on Wednesday December 18th. It would be helpful if you could please let us know if your child will NOT be involved in the classroom KK. We ask that students please DO NOT bring in food items - including chocolates, biscuits or gaming vouchers. 
    • Some Popular gifts include - stationery packs, picture story books, sporting equipment, christmas t’shirts, sensory toys. 
  • End of Term 4 - If you’re planning on starting your christmas break before the end of term 4, please let us know.


Coming up in term 4:

  • 2nd/3rd/9th/10th/11th/12th/16th/17th Dec - Swimming Program (details on Compass).
  • Wednesday 18th December - Year 4 Big Day Out (details on Compass).
  • Friday 20th December - Last Day of school for 2024 ay of school for 2024