Welcome Prep 2025 Students

Exciting Beginnings: Celebrating Our First Prep 2025 Student Orientation!
This week, OLHC welcomed the incoming Prep 2025 class for their first orientation session, kicking off an unforgettable year ahead. Our future students dove into activities designed to spark curiosity and build connections, setting the foundation for a vibrant school experience.
The morning held engaging, hands-on activities that captured the imagination of our new Preps. They explored our prep classroom, getting a feel for the learning spaces that will become their second home. Students then moved into sensory activities, including the vibrant world of rainbow rice, squishy playdough, and a variety of tactile exercises that had everyone smiling and immersed in the moment.
Perhaps the most exciting part of the day was when each student had the chance to plant their very own seeds. Under the guidance of Mrs Wise, they carefully planted bean seeds that they will nurture over the summer months. When school resumes, they’ll have the opportunity to plant their beans in our school garden.
Parents attended sessions where they learned about the school’s programs and ways to support their child’s first year. It was a wonderful morning, setting the stage for a year of learning and growth.
We are thrilled to have the Prep 2025 students as part of our community and can’t wait to see back over the next weeks to continue their orientation and transition sessions.
Here’s to a bright start for our newest Preps, and welcome to the Prep 2025 family!