Regardless of how we feel, and even how we operate, routines help us to rest, and to rest well.
When we enter into holiday times, it can be hard to avoid entering ‘blob mode’. Where we utterly forsake any kind of requirement that would cause us to have to get up out of bed, or off the couch, or walk more than 5 steps at a time. I do find it interesting that after the end of a sporting season, elite athletes will have some time where they almost do no exercise at all. But that time is limited.
You may recall that I have spoken about this before in part, but I would like to recall the importance of routines and how they help us to rest. If a person were to cease all of their typical routines, and not begin them again for some time, new ones would form.
This is where it is important to remember that it is ok to blob, but for a time. Let me say it like this, to blob at length, turns us into one. There are some basic routines that need to be maintained to help our kids have a good foundation to operate from. Good sleep, eating, social interactions (in person!), exercise, and meaning in life. You all know that I believe following Jesus gives the truest meaning to life, so I'll leave that at that. But they all are really (how can I emphasise this enough), terribly important for assisting with good mental health (did you see the emphasis?)
I understand the weight of this first upcoming question, because I am an introvert: Imagine not seeing anyone for 6 weeks, to all of a sudden being around hundreds of people? Imagine not walking further than from your room to the fridge and back, and then having to scale the hills at BHCS all day long? Or waking up at 11am each day, to all of a sudden getting up 4 hours earlier, with only 5 hours sleep?
By maintaining good routines, even in holidays, it sets us up well for when next year starts. I am not suggesting that our kids need to think about the start of next year yet! But without these things in place, they will know about it in all the wrong ways when it does. Remember, rest gets us ready to go again! But we get to enjoy it while we do it. So! May your holidays be blessed, if you go away or not. And may you be able to experience the blessings or rest.
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