SEL Awards

Foundation-Year 5 SEL Awards

Friday, 6th October

Whole School Assembly @2.45pm

F-5 Awards


Rosie FMM- For being a compassionate friend. 🙂


Nellie FMK- For being a compassionate and caring friend. Nellie is always helping others and looking out for her friends. Well done Nellie!


Bella FJR- For always showing compassion and kindness to her peers!


Isla  FEM- For being a compassionate friend and always looking out for her peers.


Rylee 1GL- For showing compassion to her classmates when they are sad or hurt.

Well done Rylee!


Zoe 1AM- For showing kindness to others and commitment to her work - keep it up Zoe!


Winter 1AW- For being a kind and compassionate classmate. You are always looking out for others and offering to lend a hand. Well done Winter!


Violet 2MH- For always looking out for others and showing compassion to her peers. 


Lindsey 2KD- For being a kind and compassionate friend. She always shows wonderful empathy towards her peers and teacher.


Peyton 2AG- For demonstrating compassion and collaboration towards her peers. Well done Peyton!


 Alfie 3FA- Always showing compassion for others.  Well done Alfie!


Patrick 3JC- For always being a caring and compassionate friend.


Grace 4SE- For the compassion she shows towards her teachers and peers.


Neela 4MJ- For always being mindful and showing compassion for others


Paige 4AM- For her positivity, kindness and great attitude towards all learning tasks


Nyree 4JE- For always showing compassion towards her peers


Hamish 5CC- For being kind and considerate. You are a role model student. Keep it up superstar!


Hannah 5CM- For having a big kind & compassionate heart. We are lucky to have such a wonderful role model in Yr5.


Skye 5CM- For always showing kindness & compassion to her peers.


Jaxon 5SB- For always showing care & compassion.