Principal Message

Dear Families, 


Welcome back to Term 4!

We wish the Year 6 students all the best for their final term of primary school!

So far they have had a sensational year and we look forward to them enjoying their last term with OGPS. 


Hats: Just a reminder that in Term 1 & 4 students are required to wear a SunSmart hat at recess and lunch times.  


Apple Fair: The Apple Fair is 2 weeks away! Please see the 'Apple Fair 2023' Page further in the newsletter for more information. 


Facilities Update: Several tradesmen were onsite during the holiday period.

Some of the work during this time involved –

  • Modification of the retaining wall at the back of the administration area (near the umbrellas)
  • A new door at the entrance to the Year One area
  • Demolition of the cover way near the Year One area
  • New sliding doors at the Year Two area
  • A new sink installed in one of the Year Two classrooms
  • Concrete preparation at the Year Two area
  • A new sink installed in the Art room
  • New concrete around the Art room area
  • Continued drainage remediation work

It is pleasing to note that Power Partners (the current company onsite) are the successful company to obtain the tender for the Accessible Building Project at the back of the library. The company will work closely with the P & F to create an outdoor learning space for our students, at the back of the library.


Have a great week!

Take care. 
