Grade 1 & 2 

Term 4 - Week 1

Wow its been an incredible week in the junior area!

We started our week with our immersion day. 

This day involved the teachers dressing up as bus drivers and the students receiving a bus ticket to visit the homes of each teacher in the JLC.

The students learnt about what is home, and what home means to each teacher. They got to view some incredible pictures and hear about some amazing stories and memories. 

We then continued or immersion day with a dance party. We rocked out to the chicken dance, Macarena, limbo and a few conga lines. 

Wednesday saw the children exploring the ambulances kindly organised by Amy Brown. They loved learning all about first aid and the role of a paramedic, as well as exploring the ambulance. 

Yesterday we all had a meeting to discuss our excursion to the Ballarat Wildlife Park. Stay tuned for a full report on our visit.