From the Principal

Mr Torpey

St Justin’s Primary School acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia's First People and Traditional Custodians of the land and waterways on which our school stands.

We pay our respects to the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation, and their elders past and present, as we continue to proudly live and learn on their land.


Dear Families and Friends,  


Welcome back. I hope you all enjoyed the school holidays.


Term Four will certainly be a busy term with much happening. Whilst there is much exciting learning taking place in the classrooms, we are also very much focused on our annual St Justin’s Fair on the Hill, which we encourage everyone to lend a helping hand.

Team Player

I'm not sure if many of you had the opportunity to watch the AFL Final Series over the last few weeks, but there certainly were some great games of football. And whether you barrack for Collingwood or not, they did play very well. Their success came about not by superstars or luck, but by working as a team and sticking to the game plan, knowing what was expected from each individual player wearing a black and white jumper. Likewise, the same applies to us all here at St Justin’s.


Today, as I stood in the doorway greeting the students as they entered the PAC for assembly. I couldn’t help but notice that every child (and most staff) had the St Justin’s logo on their uniform – a clear symbol that this is my team, I belong and I know what is expected of me.


At assembly, Mrs Snell reminded us all of our Positive Expectations:

The St Justin’s community believes in respect for self, respect for others and respect for the environment, therefore . . . .

We listen and follow instructions

We move and act safely

We speak appropriately

We care

Like the Collingwood Football Club (or any successful sporting team) we are all expected  to adapt the game plan, and play it to the end. No doubt a challenge – if it wasn’t, then every club would hold the premiership cup up on Grand Final Day. We can’t all be winners, but we can all work to create a kind, caring community where all members of the team flourish.

Family School Improvement Survey

Thanks to those all those families who particiapted in the 2023 Melbourne Archdiocese  Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS). Today we draw the last of the winners for the Pancake Parlour vouchers. We also drew the $100 St Justin's Fair on the

 Hill Family voucher - congratulations to the Bello family - we're sure you'll enjoy the Fair.

Fair on the Hill

A great deal of work has already gone into our Fair on the Hill and for a small working party, a great deal has been achieved. As always, we continue to look for more support as this will help create a special event. Follow the link for more information. 

Walk for Tiwi

Today we conducted our Walk for Tiwi. As announced in a letter early this week, we are  supporting the restoration of the St Therese’s Church on Bathurst Island. The church was constructed and painted by locals and is very special to the Tiwi people. As a community, we raised over $500. Thanks to Hannah and Mrs Sullivan for counting the money.

Chess Club

Congratulations to Thomas, Jonathan and Ted who this week were award the Chess Champions award for Term 3. Chess club is held every Wednesday after school in the Library. More details can be found on the Extra Curriculum Activities section of our newsletter.

Junior Marine Ambassadors

Today Sofia, Bella, Brooklyn, Jackson and Logan spoke to us about the importance of

 keeping our waterways clean. They encouraged us to not use plastics, recycle and be mindful of any rubbish that could enter our drains - we have over 33 in the school grounds. Our efforts will help keep our waterways safe for the fish and other wildlife.  

Time to get ‘Sun Smart’

A reminder that St Justin’s is a 'Sun Smart School' and as a result, throughout October to the end of April, students are required to wear a sun protective school hat that protects the face, neck and ears. Please make sure that your child’s hat is clean, in good condition and clearly labelled. New hats can be purchased from Academy Uniforms. Students will also be encouraged to wear broad-spectrum water resistant sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) and to be responsible for its reapplication throughout the day. Students are welcome to bring their own sunscreen (not to share) or apply in the mornings before coming to school. As always, students are also encouraged to have a drink bottle. Any student who forgets their hat will be asked to play in an undercovered area. 

Transition to Summer Uniform

In case you haven't noticed, the weather in Melbourne can change very quickly. As we have seen this week, we had beautiful weather on the weekend only to have cold, wet, windy weather during the week. During these extreme weather conditions, students may wear the uniform that suits the environment, but we do ask that it please be the school uniform and not a combination of casual clothes worn under summer uniform. The correct school uniform should alway be worn to school, unless directed elsewise for special events.

School Fees

A reminder that all School Fees are due to be finalised by Tuesday 31st October


With families keeping up with payments or organising for assistance this allows us to maintain activities and programs we already have in place at St. Justin's. We would greatly appreciate your support in regard to this matter.


As is our ongoing practice, should any family’s financial situation have changed, please contact Patrick Torpey or office staff on 9561 7644 or email


Thanks again for everyone who supported our production at the end of last term - it was a wonderful performance. DVD order were due today and we hope to have some photos on display in the near future. Thanks again to Mrs Riddiford for her leadership in this area.

Crossing not covered for next week

Due to an ongoing shortage of School Crossing Supervisors, there will be no supervisor available to cover the following dates & times:

2023-10-09 15:20-16:00 - M7 Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill 2023-10-10 15:20-16:00 - M7 Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill 2023-10-11 15:20-16:00 - M7 Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill 2023-10-12 15:20-16:00 - M7 Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill

2023-10-13 08:20-09:00 - M7 Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill 2023-10-13 15:20-16:00 - M7 Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill


Where's  Mr T

Can you find Mr T? He's hiding somewhere in the newsletter.


Take care,


Mr Patrick Torpey
