Curriculum Matters 

Level 1

Level 1 has made a great start to Term 4. 

They are all enjoying the swimming program where they are learning lots of new things in the pool. 

In Literacy we have been reading one of our favourite dreamtime stories Tiddalick. Students have been busy retelling the story. 

In Numeracy we have been looking at halves, quarters and eighths. Students made their own pizzas choosing what fraction to divide it up into. 

In Inquiry, we have been looking out the window each morning and predicting what we think the weather is going to be like and recording it in our weather diaries. 

Level 3

Over the last two weeks our Level 3 students embarked on an exciting journey into the realm of probability, where they investigated the theory but also had hands-on experience creating probability spinners themselves. This engaging and interactive activity allowed them to grasp the intricacies of probability in a fun and practical way.  

Once the spinners were completed, they were used in a series of games and experiments. They spun their custom-made spinners, observed the outcomes, and recorded the results. This hands-on experience allowed them to grasp the relationship between the design of the spinner and the likelihood of specific outcomes. We used keywords such as certain, likely, equal, even, possible, unlikely and impossible.