Sport & PE Update 

Division Basketball

On the 11th of October a group of year six’s went to Nunawading Basketball Centre to compete in Division Basketball. 


The boys team lost all 3 of their games. But they played as a team and they showed good sportmanship, they tried their hardest but could not pull through in the end. Their 8 players were Jack G, Samuel M, Joel R, Ari G, Javian T, Johannes T, Noah D and Jamison B. 


The girls won 3 out of 4 of their games including the grand final. They have now qualified for Regionals which is going to be held on the 27th of October. The 8 girls that were a part of the team were Georgia C, Zahra N, Poppy L, Violet S, Amelie F, Illiana K, Charlotte S and Amelia S.


It was a fun day and we were very proud of our efforts.


Zahra N and Georgia C 

Premier Winners

Division Softball

On Monday morning we left Jells Park PS to compete in Division Softball. 

We left at nine am and walked to Jells Park Softball Fields. We were told the rules of division softball and we excitedly went to the softball field. We were first competing with Huntingtower School and won against them. We were happy at winning our first game but we knew that harder matches were sure to come.


We lost to the hardest school called Mount View PS in our second home but then won against two other schools. At the end we were nervous but excited as all the schools met up so that the umpires could announce the winner and second place. We came second place while Mount View took the win. We were still happy because we tried our hardest. We came back with a second place flag to hang in the gym. 


It was a great experience for all of us and we were happy we placed.

Monash Waverley Division Athletics

Last Thursday 5 October, 34 students competed in the Monash-Waverley Division Athletics Competition. This is the highest number of students Jells Park has ever had compete at this level, including having all 6 relay teams compete which we have never had before. 


All students did an amazing job coming up against some very talented students. 


Congratulations to the following students who finished first or second in their respective events:

  • Georgia C – 1st Shotput
  • Matthew T – 1st High Jump and 2nd 200m
  • Will L – 2nd Shotput
  • Benny B – 1st Hurdles and 2nd Triple Jump
  • Rachel C – 1st Triple Jump and 2nd Long Jump
  • Ashton R – 2nd Triple Jump

These students will progress through to the Regional Competition on Thursday 19 October. 

Good luck to those students and I’m sure you will represent our school well. Thank you to the parents who assisted with transportation and supervision on the day.


Scott Zachariassen

Interschool Sports Coordinator