
Mr Crane, Mr Jones, Ms Kirk, Ms Huntly, Ms Bennett, Ms Nguyen, Ms Kini and Ms O'Dowd

Innovation and Design

Our students have jumped right back into their Innovation and Design learning this term and it has been wonderful to see the excitement and interest coming from them as we begin new knowledge topics. 


This term, Year 5 and 6 students are first examining origami and how these characteristics can be found in engineering designs in a variety of structures and tools. Year 3 and 4 students are currently exploring friction, energy and chain reactions through Rube-Goldberg machines while the Year 1 and Year 2 students have begun exploring properties of different materials before they design a parachute as their design challenge. 

























All these classes will use their knowledge gained to respond to a design challenge and work through the Design Cycle:



In Foundation so far this term, students are developing their Digital Technology skills by learning about hardware and software and what we can use the internet for. Being safe online will be a big message this term as they develop their understandings of CyberSafety. 











Our CyberSafety lessons come from the CyberSafety Project, which is a program developed by ex-Primary and Secondary School teachers designed to support schools and families to ensure young people can participate safely and take responsibility in their digital world. If you are interested in ideas or resources to support your family in technology use, use this link to visit the CyberSafety Project for families page.


Performing Arts

In preparation for our end of year concert, we were so thrilled to receive a visit from The Australian Ballet on Tuesday 10 October. If you had a Performing Arts specialist class on the day, you received a private lesson from the incredibly talented and seasoned dancers,  Chantelle and Dann. The whole school was then invited to a performance at the end of the day. Chantelle has been dancing with The Australian Ballet for 10 years and is preparing for The Australian Ballet’s upcoming performance of ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Dann has been with the company for 2 years and is preparing for his professional entry onto the stage. Thank you so much to Chantelle and Dann for visiting and sharing their incredible talent. 














Welcome back to the last term of the year to all the families! This term the students will be exploring various aspects of Physical sciences. 


Foundation and Year 1

Students are learning about forces that we encounter in our daily lives. We are exploring 2D and 3D shapes and how the flat and curved sides of these shapes influence the way they move (pushing, pulling, rolling, sliding, bouncing and spin). Since the term has begun, students have implemented their learning in maths identifying the 2D and 3D shapes and have made a paper 3D object by cutting and pasting the 3D nets together. We will be focussing more on the forces in the coming weeks.


Year 2

Students are learning to define and identify examples of natural and artificial light sources. Students shared their learning in tables with drawings and in their own words to their peers. Students will be challenged to explore and record information answering key questions in Physical science, such as, ‘how does sunlight reach us on Earth?’


Year 3

The students are exploring the sources of heat this term. So far we have understood that heat is a form of energy and that even though one source can emit  heat and light, they are separate forms of energy and can occur independently too. In the coming weeks, we will be exploring the various forms heat is transferred from the source such as conduction, convection and radiation. 


Year 4

Students are learning about contact and non-contact forces, including what these types of forces mean, examples in our daily lives and the importance of contact and non-contact forces. In the upcoming weeks, students will conduct experiments using everyday materials to explore a range of contact and non-contact forces. These include drag, gravity and magnetism.


Years 5 and 6

The students are learning about light energy this term. So far, we have explored how light helps us to see and the dual  behaviour of light: photons - particle like and electromagnetic waves. In the upcoming weeks students will explore other behaviours of light depending on the medium it strikes such as reflection and refraction. They will also explore how the transparency, translucency and porosity of an object influences the behaviour of light.


Physical Education


At the beginning of Term 4 the Foundation students will be learning about the Fundamental Motor Skill of Run. It is an important skill that students will require for the rest of their lives. Students have enjoyed participating in activities that focus on using the correct technique when sprinting. This is a fundamental skill that can be practised at home.


Year 1 and 2

To start Term 4 our Year 1 and 2 students will be learning about the Fundamental Motor Skill of Vertical Jump. Students have been focusing on using the correct technique when participating in activities. As part of the vertical jump students have been practising their ‘Motorbike Landing’ (knees bent, arms out in front). The year 1 and 2 students have been encouraged to continue to practise this skill at home.


Year 3-6

The Year 3-6 students have been learning about the sport of soccer for the beginning of Term 4. Students have learnt about dribbling and passing and will move onto goal scoring and game play in the coming weeks. The year 3-6 students have been demonstrating great enthusiasm towards our latest sport and are really excited to continue their learning for the remainder of the term.



On Wednesday 11th of October a group of 8 students  participated in the 2023 SSV Northern Metropolitan Regional Primary Track and Field Championships at Meadowglen International Athletics Sta