Year 4

Ms Roberts, Ms Yammouni, Ms Bowman and Ms Murphy


Year Four Families and welcome to Term 4! 


Spring is here and we are looking forward to some beautiful sunny weather to finish off our last term for 2023! 


With camp fast approaching next week, please be sure to check Compass for updates and carefully read all communication. 

Key things to remember: 

  • Please arrive at school no later than 8:30am
  • All medication needs to be signed in with Emily Hyde in 4A’s portable the morning of camp
  • No money or electronic devices are permitted on camp 
  • Students DO NOT need to wear school uniform 


In Literacy we have been learning about different poetry elements such as spoonerisms, neologisms, puns and nonsense words. Students have enjoyed writing fun and silly poetry using the different elements. We have learned about Haiku’s, a Japanese form of poetry, and diamante poems which form the shape of a diamond and have a set structure.  


This term we have begun Fluency, which is 10 minutes a day where students will read out loud to a partner, practising reading smoothly and with expression. 


In Knowledge, we have been learning about the respiratory system. Students have identified the upper and lower respiratory systems and their different organs. Students have learned about how oxygen is taken into the body and how carbon dioxide is exhaled out. Students have learned about the bronchial tube, bronchi and alveoli. We have learned about how we can protect our respiratory system and how air quality can affect our breathing. 


In Numeracy we have been learning about chance and probability. Students have learned what an independent event and a dependent event are and the language around chance and probability.  Students have been learning how to solve worded addition problems using the CUBES strategy. 




In Health we have been applying our knowledge learned during Literacy by conducting experiments. We have measured our resting heart rate and our resting breathing rate. Then we went out for a run and measured our heart rate and breathing rate again to see how exercise affects our body. Students have made a model of the lungs to see how the air moves in and out of the body. We have conducted an experiment to measure the air quality of different areas in our classroom and school.