Year 3

Ms Scott, Ms Bedi, Ms Wijesuriya, Ms Avramov and Ms Marshall

Year 3 October Newsletter 


Hello Year Three Families, 

Welcome to Term 4! We hope you are all well rested and ready for a fantastic final three months of the school year. There is lots of learning planned and we have made a great start!


In writing this month, we have started the term off learning all about homophones. Students have learnt that homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. We first learnt the difference between words such as to/too/two and there/their/they’re before writing our own sentences with homophones in the correct context. Students will also revisit how to write a persuasive text. We will revise language features such as facts, rhetorical questions and words of modality in order to strongly persuade a reader.


In Knowledge, we have been learning about how we use different visible body parts and their senses when a served ball is returned in a table tennis ball. We have also learnt the functions of these body parts and how our nerves carry messages about what sense to use to your brain. We have been adding new words to our vocabulary through our Knowledge unit such as hearing, function and auditory.



In Numeracy, we have been reviewing our Place Value knowledge. We have learnt strategies to identify and locate numbers up to 10,000 on a number line accurately. We have enhanced our addition skills through vertical addition, with and without carrying, ensuring that we are setting up our equations correctly so our answers are accurate. Students have also been practising their vertical subtraction skills and refreshing their understanding of how to borrow numbers, again focusing on how to set up our numbers accurately, as it will impact the answer.

We have also been revising how to tell the time to the quarter hour, five minute intervals and to the nearest minute. Students have been reading clocks and recording the time as well as representing times on a clock. We recapped the months of the year, learning how many days are in each month and covered which months are in each season. Students will also investigate the relationship between units of time and solve some time related problems.


Our new Unit topic for this term is Human Senses and Movement. To build upon what the students read and learn during Knowledge, we will be conducting investigations and discussing our findings. For example, after learning about the effect that light has on the eye, students will investigate how a pupil changes using light. We are really looking forward to incorporating more hands-on learning experiences in the classroom this term.