Year 2

Ms Gililand, Mr Rowley, Ms Michetti and Ms Kay

Year 2 October Newsletter 


Hello Year 2 families! We can’t believe it's Term 4 already. We’re very excited to finish off 2023 on a high note. 



In Literacy, students have been successful in completing the stage 7.3 graphemes and phonemes from the Little Learners Love Literacy program. Our next focus will be on 7.4, where we learn more complex graphemes and split digraphs. We have also started looking at persuasive texts, including looking at specific and expressive language, the structure of the text and how to form strong arguments. 




This term we have begun our Core Knowledge unit focusing on Health. We are currently learning about the digestive system, including looking at food and nutrients, where and what happens and where our food goes after we have eaten it. We are looking at why eating healthy is important and which parts of our body are related to our digestive system.  



In Numeracy, we have refreshed our learning of Place Value and begun to focus on skip counting, looking at patterns and identifying the missing value in the sequence. We have also been looking over the maths concepts we have learnt throughout the year. Very soon, we will be looking at money, including recognising and ordering Australian coins and notes.