
Ms Sapardanis, Ms Lawson, Ms Achilles, Ms Walker, Ms Rodwell, Ms Oldfield and Ms Nicholas

Learning in Foundation

Welcome to Term 4!  We hope you have all had an amazing break.  We have come back very settled and now have established the routines in Foundation. As bittersweet it may be due to being our last term, we also have many fabulous events to look forward to.  The Foundation students got straight into learning once we were able to share our highlights from our holidays.



Foundation students have continued to establish their handwriting skills where we have given students the opportunity to master their letter formation skills. We have also begun to really focus on reading accurately with fluency. Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately at a good pace and with proper expression and comprehension.

We have and will be focusing on writing a correct sentence where students analyse accurate sentence structure and implement this in their writing. 





This term we have begun our Core Knowledge unit focusing on Health. We are exploring the five senses and identifying how we use them in our everyday lives. We have begun learning about our sense of sight and how to take care of our eyes.



We have started off Term 4 with some revision about our Number topics. Foundation students are refining their addition and subtraction skills where they are practising using various strategies to solve problems with numbers to 20. This includes counting on, counting back, tens frames, numbers lines and concrete materials.