From the Principal 

Anthea Jamieson

Message from the Principal


Welcome to the start of the fourth term! Our students have smoothly transitioned back into the classroom and are joyfully engaged in learning alongside their teachers and friends. Term 4 consistently represents an exciting and bustling period in the school year. It signifies a time for both cementing and celebrating the growth in skills, knowledge, and friendships that have thrived throughout the past year. We have many important and exciting events planned, including a Colour Run and of course our Whole School Performance Night, not to mention many fun activities for year levels in our camping program.


Our students are currently studying the core knowledge unit of Health across all year levels. I urge you to read the newsletter piece related to your child’s year level, to see the fantastic learning that is happening and to provide you with the opportunity to ask your child questions that are related to what they are doing at school. It is so important for our students to be able to recall and talk about their new learning, in order to consolidate their thinking.


As a team, we are astounded by the transformation we witness in our students, not only in terms of their physical growth but also in their academic, emotional, and social development. Our students love learning and we love seeing their excited engagement during class time. This serves as a deeply rewarding experience for our educators, and we wholeheartedly encourage our teachers to take a moment to acknowledge the meaningful impact they have on the lives of the children they instruct.


Over the next few weeks, our staff will be busy constructing the classes for next year. When classes are constructed, we consider the academic and social and emotional needs of each child in order to have balanced cohorts that can be supported by their teacher. If you have any concerns or questions that you would like to discuss, please speak with your child’s teacher. They know your child well and can provide insight into their needs at school.


You will have observed portables being transported into the school. We have had 2 specialist portables and a toilet block trucked in, along the fenceline near the kindergarten. The single portables that currently house our Year 4 classes and two of our Year 6 classes will be removed early next year. This space will be developed into a play area for our students. Next week we will see the arrival of our 4 new double storey portables. They will be placed along the fenceline behind the gym, along with another toilet block. We are very fortunate to have this completed before the end of the year. This will mean we will have no disruption to our teaching and learning in the new year.

The staff car park will not be able to be used from Monday to Thursday of next week, due to trucks entering and exiting with the portables.


On Saturday we will be cooking and selling sausages at the Referendum, where voting is happening in our gymnasium. Please come and say hi and buy a sausage to support our school. Funds raised will be put towards a new shade sail for our Ninja Warrior Obstacle Playground.


Thank you for your continued support of our beautiful school.


Kind regards,

Anthea Jamieson
