Wellbeing Team

Ms Mitchell & Ms Caruso

Gilgai Attendance Robot (GAR-E)


We would like to introduce you to GAR-E our Gilgai Attendance Robot and mascot.

GAR-E will visit the classrooms who have the highest attendance percentage. That means the classroom that has the greatest number of students at school each day for two weeks will be graced by GAR-E’s presence! Each fortnight, GAR-E will then visit a new classroom. 


Did you know, it is incredibly important for students to be at school every single day that they are well and able to be here? Being at school allows children to maintain close relationships with friends by socialising at recess and lunchtimes. Similarly, when absent, students miss out on important routines and structures that occur within the classroom, as well as missing curriculum content, too.


We hope that GAR-E will be the added ZEST and incentive students need to be at school as valued members of Our Gilgai with the hopes of improving attendance data, and in turn, improving outcomes for students’ learning.