Year 11 News

Tim Pitt & Ebony Tate | Year 11 Coordinators

Welcome back. We are in the final stretch of year 11 with exams being held in week 6. We encourage students to please keep us up to date with how they are travelling and let us know if you need support. Headstart will be held in week 7 and 8. Headstart is incredibly important as it provides an understanding of the expectations and course content delivered in year 12. 


University Open Days

Over the following months, many universities and colleges will be holding open days and tours for prospective students. This year is a great time to start exploring different options and getting a feel for which campuses might suit you. Term 3 of year 12 can be a high-pressure time, so start looking at options now to do a favour for your future self. Many of the tours require appointments, so make sure you book online. Can’t make it in person? No worries, many institutions offer live virtual tours or Q&A sessions.

DISS Program

DISS. The Doctors in Schools program is available to all students. You can book an appointment through the Hotdoc app. To book, look for bookings under Lister House, Horsham College, as the location with Dr Shah. If you have any medical concerns or questions, you can make an appointment with Dr Shah. Well-being can help you schedule these appointments. All medical appointments are treated as such and are confidential.


Reminder for Hats

As per usual during terms 1 and 4 we are all required to be wearing hats when out in the sun. Please make sure you have a hat, if you need a new hat, they are available to purchase at the front office. If you need support getting a hat, please see Hamish.



Work for the Holidays.

Horsham College Careers and Pathways Facebook page has job opportunities for students. If you would like a casual job through the holidays or an ongoing job, please keep an eye out on the Horsham College Careers and Pathways Facebook.


Good Luck, Hugh!

Hugh Dougherty has been nominated for an ACRA award for Best New Talent Off Air. Good luck from the Year 11 team!!


Upcoming Dates


Curriculum Day 6th November.


Melbourne Cup Day 7th November.


Year 11 exams Week 6, 8th-10th November


Headstart Week 7 and 8. 13th-24th November