Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

Welcome back to Term 4! 


It has been fantastic to see so many students bring and wear their hats! Remember if you need to purchase a new one they are available from the administration office here at school. Being a sunsmart school, all students are required to wear a hat when outside at recess, lunch and within any outdoor classes. Students are also encouraged to wear sunscreen with the weather starting to warm up and the sun shining.


We’re really excited to get back into learning and getting the best possible foundation for Year 8 next year.  


Here’s some of what we are learning about at the moment in Year 7: 


English: We are learning about the Media, including newspapers and TV news. 


Maths: We are learning about measurement, conversion of units & perimeter, area and volume


Science:  We are learning about states of matter


Humanities: We are learning about aspects of  Economics, producers, consumers and supply & demand


PE/Health: In Health we are learning about harm minimisation around drugs and alcohol. We are also doing tennis, badminton and table tennis. Local tennis coach Jeremy Quast will be coming into the school to deliver sessions for all of our Yr 7 students.


Lunchtime Dodgeball Competition

Starting Thursday 12th October there will be a lunchtime dodgeball competition that will run in the Gym. Students are encouraged to enter a team within their form group and come and join in the fun!