

& Wellbeing

Melissa Twaddell, Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall & Liam Offer

The commencement of Term 4 has been a smooth transition back to the classroom as our Year 12 students count down the days left of classes before they finish their formal schooling. We would like to wish all of our year 12 students all the best for their upcoming exams. To all of our Year 12 students, we look forward to hearing about the next steps of your journey and what life after year 12 looks like for you. This is the end of a huge chapter in your life to date but as Dr Seuss said ‘Oh the places you’ll go!’



As the warm weather heats up, families are reminded that Term 4 is a sunsmart term, meaning that all of our students are expected to wear a Horsham College Hat at recess and lunch. All new students to the college are issued with a hat upon enrolment. For students needing to purchase a new hat, these are now available from our Administration Office. Year Level Teams will be following up with students who are not wearing a hat during recess and lunch. We would appreciate your support in discussing the importance of hat wearing with your child. 



We would like to thank our college community for the support in the transition of uniform being supplied by Lowes. Our College rugby jumper, soft shell jacket and sports pants have gone through the design phase and hopefully will be hitting the shelves in the next few weeks. As we changed company, the designs needed to be redone through the supplier to Lowes - we look forward to seeing the new items in the not so distant future. 



Year 12 students are reminded that before completing their final day of school for the year, that they must submit their completed exit form to the Senior School Office. 



A reminder that all of our college policies can be found on our College website. This includes Student Engagement and Wellbeing and Bullying Prevention.


Social Media

Like everything, social media can be a fantastic tool if used in the right way. Unfortunately we are seeing the impact of social media being used inappropriately too often. Social media is designed to be addictive.  As we enter a world where our young people have not experienced life without the internet, we need to work with our young people to support their usage of this communication platform. Everyday there are new advancements and navigating how to live with these platforms is challenging, not to mention managing the usage of these platforms.


Generation Next discuss in their article on Social Media Addiction that daily use of social media platforms increases risks of self harm, depression and sleep cycle/sleep pattern disruptions.


It is clear that social media is used for a sense of belonging and to avoid real life, however as we hide behind our devices we become invisible and are able to post really unkind things about other people. In a world where we might not be able to control everything we can control what we put out into the world. There is a saying that if you wouldn’t show your grandparents or say that to your grandparents, then you shouldn’t be posting it. Being Kind is free and easy. Having discussions with your child/children about what they are posting is incredibly important.


Good Sleep

As we start trying to adjust to day light savings, it is worth noting that sleep is such a crucial part of our life and wellbeing. Sleeping issues are increasing in young people. One of the main reasons is screen based. Sleeping habits have also been found to be linked to mental health. 

What we can do to support our Sleep.

  • Physical activity throughout the day. 
  • Avoid Caffeine in the later part of the day.
  • Winding down prior to bed time - avoiding screens.
  • Having a consistent sleep schedule.

Take Care,

Shannon, Louise, Melissa and Liam.