Student Academic Counsellor

Mrs Bonita O'Brien

Exam Advice

Over the holidays, I had the fantastic opportunity to attend the Yr 12 Legal Studies trip to Melbourne. Aside from all the interesting places we visited, such as the Supreme Court and Parliament House, we also had the chance to speak with three young people who have completed Year 12 within the last 4 years. Two of these people were past students of Horsham College; the knowledge that they were able to share was invaluable.  All three of them expressed the importance of ‘how’ you study. Just reading over notes is not very effective.  You need to ask yourself questions, find ways to rewrite your responses (including sticking them up all over a room!), do practice exams and questions.  They also made a point of saying that planning your responses is almost as important as writing them; once you know your content, you need to be able to identify ‘how’ you are going to answer and work out the structure of your answers. All three young people also noted that how we balance our time studying is vital to success. You need to budget your time so that you can still be able to “just get some fresh air” as one of the young people put it.  They also gave another great reminder as we head into the Year 12 exam period, “Try not to stress too much; you’ve got this”


Bonita O’Brien

Student Academic Counsellor