STEM and technology
Ahoy Scientists!
Welcome back to Term 4! You may have noticed our tumultuous weather at the moment (Very Melbourne!). This is because the Poorneet Tadpole Season, Spring, is full of windy wet weather interspersed with a gradual warming of the temperature. This is great news for our school’s plants!
Over the holidays everything has grown, most notably our 5/6’s strawberries and the Prep’s class names. Over the holidays we also installed our Indigenous totem poles that the students worked on with local Indigenous artist, Merindah-Gunya, and they look fantastic!
Our Prep-1-2s have been looking closer at minibeasts. The 3/4s have begun the STEM-DigiTech project on Saving Planet Earth. Finally, our 5/6s have started their STEM-DigiTech project planning a mission to Mars!
The learning this week has been in and out of this world!
Have a great weekend everyone, Mr Lewis
-Mr Lewis